(75) SADIE KILLER! (75)

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Thank you all for letting me have a break 🖤💚🖤💚🖤 enjoy
Your POV

You and Connie cheered as you all went into the concert, yours was much weaker and quieter but it was still something.

This was your first concert, you heard that Sadie Killer had broken up before but now they were getting back together for a world tour! Starting with their hometown, Beach City.

There were dozens of people in there, you didn't even know this many people lived in Beach City! Their were gems and humans alike, it just reminded you, you're completely different to everyone there...

You shook off the thought as you tried to keep up with Steven and Connie, pushing through people was new.

"Steven?! Connie?!" You shouted out. It had only been a minute, had you already lost them?! "(Y/N)?!" You felt Steven grab your wrist and pull you through the crowd, turned out you guys were gonna be at the front!

The beach seemed filled with people from all around, wow, Sadie Killer was FAMOUS. And Steven grew up with them all, you wished you grew up with someone...

"Hello Beach City!" Nanefua exclaimed to the audience, she was the major of Beach City.

"Tonight we have some special guests, may I introduce~ SADIE KILLER!" She left the stage and a short blond woman entered the stage as everyone cheered.

"H-Hello! Beach City!" She was smiling extremely wide. She looked around the audience, smiling at everyone. Steven cheered our, "WOOOO! GO SADIE!" Sadie smiles and waved at him, laughing. "Hey Steven!"

"Okay people! Our First sing is one of our firsts!" A group of other people were on the stage, Steven whispered -sorta as it was so loud-into your ear "They're the Cool Kids, They're a part of the band!" You nodded, smiling.

A creepy bouncy beat came on and a silence rolled over the Crowd.

"I used to be sick,
sick and tired.."

You hadn't realized what she was wearing thanks to the lights before, but she was wearing some sort of ghost outfit?

"Delirious, dizzy, terrified"

She was looking at the mic then looking up to the audience,

"But I'm suddenly up and out of bed.."

Her band was in corners but enough for everyone to see.

"You'd never believe I was almost-"

She walked up to one- you think it was Kiki! The whole crowd roared with Sadie-

"Why can't you see me?!"

She walked up to another.

"Why can't you see me?!"

She walked to the centre of the staffer and looked down at herself...

"I think I might be..."

She looked up as flashing lights occurred

"A g-g-g-ghost..."

Everyone was cheering and jumping, you laughed as this was, this was actually fun!

"Can't you see that I exist?!
And I don't need an exorcist!
To let me out!"

The whole crowd was singing and shouting along with Sadie, even Steven and Connie.

"Look at me and I'll appear!
Why can't you see that I'm right here?
That I'm right here?..."

Sadie had gotten closer to the front of the stage, people trying to grab at her. She was acting sad.

"Why can't you see me?"

She waved her wand in front of the crowd as if it was a person staring off into space.

"Why can't you see me?!"

She stepped back to the right centre of the stage..

"I think I might be"

"A g-g-g-ghost..."

She fell on her knees, then started to be pulled up from the ground?! As if levitating higher and higher!?

"I'm calling you from the other side~"

The whole crowd had gone silent for a few seconds before cheering and screaming. You think you went deaf for a moment actually.

A few more songs played after, they were getting better and better! You were really enjoying yourself, all the jumping and partying. It seemed everyone was friendly too, trying to make space for everyone.

After around two hours, you were dancing and got pushed away from Steven and Connie. "Arg!" You fell on the floor and tried to get up. "Steven?! Connie!?" You shouted out, but you were still much too quiet to even compete with the music.

You started to get afraid, you couldn't see either of them, panic took over. You pushed through people and shouted out, but it seemed you had fallen into a world without them in it! Where were they?!

You felt someone grip hold of your wrist, the scars were still painful and you flinched. This persons grip was hard and hurt a lot. You couldn't even shout, fear and panic took hold of you. You were being dragged through the crowd, you couldn't even see who this person was!

You felt sick and dizzy, the only clear thing to you was,

This person wasn't going to do good with you.

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