(88) Pain, Guilt, Steven. (88)

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Sorry for another short one
Your POV

Lion jumped through the opposite portal as you felt the stiff landing when he landed, making you jump a bit.

"I could have killed him! I- I could h-have killed Steven! A-and Connie!" You kept sobbing into lions mane as all the pain in your chest spilled out.

Lion laid down on the floor as you were on his back.

You heard a crack in your chest as you looked down. You sat up a bit to look at your gem... it had cracked even more. "Great!" You sighed as you turned over and looked at the sky, giving you an idea of where you were. Sliding off Lions mane.

The sky was blue with few clouds and big trees hung over you. You sat up and looked around, it seemed you were in a forest like thing.

You didn't know where you were, you hadn't been here before. Yet. You didn't want to be.You sighed and laid back down.

You didn't even want to be alive.

The pain inside you had cracked your gem, it was turning black again, the darkness seeping through each crack.

You could have killed the people who actually cared about you. It's a pain no one can describe until it happens. Like a betrayal, but to yourself.

Loosing trust within yourself. You knew you couldn't stay with everyone once this was over, it was either you or Void. You still imagined a timeline where you could be happy, where you could live with them after, with Steven...

How could you stay now? You had to save everyone from your mess. You did this to them. The gems, Connie, Steven.

You hadn't realised it until lion pulled you from your thoughts, nudging you with his nose. You were now wearing all black, it wasn't even a dress. It was a black cropped hoodie, some black pants like Lapis with golden strings and golden lines down the edge, also you had a mask on. It covered your mouth, your eyes were shown but now your mouth was hidden.

"Great, more powers" you sighed. You didn't want new powers, you wanted to control the ones you already had.

You pulled off the mask and read the front.

'Ammovoid' was written in a slanted fancy way, all lettered in white. It actually looked cool. It reminded you of what you had to fix. Ammonite was your mom, she needed saving. And void. He needed to be stopped.

You sat up and looked to Lion. "Guess we both gotta have our secrets" you turned back to the mask and turned it to put back on your face.

You pulled up your hood and the only thing showing was your eyes. You had to learn to control them, luckily now they were their usual (e/c) colour, so they were okay to be shown. But if they started to change you and Lion could be in danger.

You stood up, you were wearing some leather boots going up your calves, a small heel.

You stroked lions mane, even your gloves had changed. Only, they still had stars on. They were a dark galaxy, all the purpled and blues mixed with a mainly black, still beautiful, millions of stars on, reminding you of why you're doing this.

For your mom,

For your dad,

For your friends,

For your family,

For beach city,

The world,

The Galaxy,



Ammovoid /SU Fanfic/ Steven Universe x Reader (She/her)Where stories live. Discover now