(78) Hurt (78)

392 16 9

Recently I've been sick and down and all but y'all were so kind and lovely so I'm getting better now 🖤💚
Also this chapter was split between like three days so if it seems,off? Please excuse me 💚🖤

Your POV


You closed your eyes tight. You wanted to reach her through your mind, you've done it before with others, why not now?

You felt the power working, but it was fading. You were in the dark abis, you looked around, where was Amethyst? You looked around at the abis, calling out her name.

A purple dot was in the distance. You could hear amethyst repeating things. It was quiet, normally she was loud. Not her thoughts as you'd never heard her thoughts before but you expected her thoughts to be loud?

You started to run towards her, but everything around you started to collapse. The shadows started to fall, the ground in front of you started to crumble. You stopped as you almost slid off the edge and into a further Abis.

That's when you felt a hand on your chin, snapping you out of it in a flash and making you stare up at Garnet. She smiled at you, a smirk like smile pasted to her face.

This wasn't garnet anymore.

You pulled yourself out of her grasp and looked down. This wasn't Garnet. You weren't gonna let her think you could be tricked this easily.

"Ammovoid..." Garnet said. It seemed she was trying to get used to the thought of the word. You remembered that was the word you saw on the mirror before. You looked up at her, she knew it? What did it mean though?

"Ammovoid" she looked down to you, "Ammovoid" you looked at her, the word started to annoy you. "I know!" Garnet seemed taken aback. "I know! You've said it t-three times! Ammovoid! Ammovoid! Ammovoid! What about it?!" You sighed, you hadn't even processed that you had shouted at her. Breathing heavily. You knew Amethyst seemed shocked, but she didn't dare look up.

Garnet looked at you. She got took her hands and started to remove your bandana. You tried to struggle but she was too strong.

She dropped it on the floor, your eyes. One was black with a white skull in and the other was white with a rainbow petaled flower in.

Both eyes were glowing their own color- Black and white. Lightning struck and you could feel anger rising within you, you wanted to run away.

"W-Why!?" You looked up at to Garnet. "Why are y-you doing this?!" Garnet had no emotions on her face. She was just looking at you, perhaps she wasn't even listening?

It's hard to describe this feeling you felt. You finally had people you could trust? The gems, they wouldn't do this. You're heart felt like it was physically breaking, and so was your gem.

You looked down to see small cracks, like on a phone screen, the ones that can nearly be seen but at an angle you can tell there's cracks.

You're eyes watered and glasses over, where was Steven? What happened to the Gems? What's happening?

"Why?..." you gave up struggling, you looked down and closed your eyes. What was the point in fighting? You couldn't fight him for years, someone you hated, someone who broke your trust and hurt you, blamed you.

How were you going to hurt them? Amethyst seems traumatized, Pearls eyes have been ripped out, and Garnet-

Their not them.

You were looking down, the realization made your eyes go wide. The tears fell from your face, one side, thick black teardrops falling onto the cold ground, the other side, some of the clearest and cleanest water ever seen. Perfect to drink but still beautiful.

Who were they being controlled by?

The lightning lit up parts of the room, making the shadows bigger and only one side of everything handing a bright whiteness, like the lights fighting to get in but the darkness keeps pushing it back.

"Ammovoid?" You didn't know what she meant by that. She kept repeating it! "Ammovoid" you looked up at her, you were giving up. Pearl walked up next to her, her eyes creeped you out. Well, the gaps where they used to be...

She used her staff to hold your head up, it had a slight glow in the dark but still. You could feel how sharp it was so you thought it was best to not fight it.

She said nothing, a silence in the air. Normally you would look behind one's eyes to see what they were feeling or to just reach them. Perhaps the eyes were the window to the soul?

Her hollow gapes held no emotion, no color. Nothing.

The blood stains around her eyes and down her cheeks told you that she had cried and someone had ripped them out brutally. You didn't think Gems could have... anything- ripped out.

Pearls staff dropped your head and you let out a heavy gasp. You look best you could at Amethyst with the corner of your eye, she had clearly been crying and was looking away. Perhaps she still was crying? You couldn't hear anything.

You looked up at them, "what's going.. what's going t-to happen to m-me?" You felt weak. You were weak. This was the first time your gem had cracked in so long. It had almost been around 7 months since you left that basement, since you met Steven...

Where was Steven?

"What's g-going to h-happen now?..."

Ammovoid /SU Fanfic/ Steven Universe x Reader (She/her)Where stories live. Discover now