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We expect to bury our parents one day, but never our children. And for Jimin who only found about his child hours before it was pronounced dead, the pain he felt was 10 times worse. All he could think about was how much of a failure he was. A failure as a father. And a failure as a mate. So as the small box, the size of two hands put together, was lowered under the ground, all Jimin could do was ask for forgiveness for being such a failure.

He cried as if his brain was being shredded from the inside, the emotional pain flowing out from every pore on his body. From his mouth came a cry, so raw that even the eyes of the pack around him were suddenly wet with tears. Never had he ever felt so much pain as he grasped on to the wall beside him, holding him so he didn't fall. He knew he had to be strong. Strong for his pack. And strong for his mate that was still unconscious. But all he could think about was the promise he had failed to keep; I'll be with you every step of the way

Instead of keeping to his promise, he had done the very opposite of it. Not only had he abandoned her, using work and his own self pity as an excuse, he had caused the death of his own child, one he didn't know existed. And as much as Cassie or the boys tell him otherwise, he knew if he had paid even a little speck of attention or stopped for a mere minute more, he could have now happily been looking forward to the birthing instead of standing at the funeral. 

And to make matters worse, his mate had yet to open her eye's or show any signs of recovery. When Jin had announced that he couldn't save the child, almost immediately machines blared in the background and screams of nurses were heard from inside the operating room, Yn's body shutting down. The fear that tore through Jimin as the machine beeped in warning, the lines shrinking in size coming closer and closer to flat lining, her body limping and paling, was a feeling of fear Jimin had never felt, and never wants to feel again. It was like he was skinned alive and left to bleed to death in a desert alone.

So as the funeral came to an end, 3 days after the baby was pronounced lost, Jimin returned back to the hospital room, eye's landing on his mate. Being cleared from the emergency room, Yn was moved to the ward where Chloe lay; Jimin wanting Yn to have all comfort she needed. He knew what he had done would never be forgiven, though he hadn't done it intentionally, but he wasn't planning on letting go of Yn. If anything this incident had taught him valuable lessons. Lessons varying from the importance of listening to communicating clearly. And he was planning on making sure he learnt from them, never wanting to make them again.

The doors opened, the hinges creaking in a high pitch before the wood hit the walls with a bang. But Jimin couldn't turn quick enough to see what was happening as his back met the wall roughly. He stumbles on his delirious feet, one hand holding on to the wall for support as the other moves up to his cheek. He winces slightly, feeling the sizzling sensation in his jaw as he tries to open it, wanting to see if a bruised jaw was the only injury he had sustained. His jaw bone cracked audibly, but moved fluidly in the sockets ensuring no broken bone, much to his relief. But his gum's were no so lucky. As his mouth had open, a small trickle of blood dripped from out of his mouth, spitting on the floor like an afternoon drizzle.

"Yoongi!" Roxy screamed as she made her way into the room, followed by the boys. They too gasp as they notice Yoongi's bloody knuckles and Jimin's bloody jaw. "No fighting in here!" Jin yelled, getting in between the two, eyes darting to the patients who were thankfully not harmed. But Yoongi's eyes held no remorse as he strode up to Jimin, who too showed no reaction, pushing away anyone who tried to stop him. 

Taking Jimin by his shirt, twisting the fabric in his fist, as he held him flushed against the wall. He wasn't thinking when he let out his burning hostility and swung his tight fist, too quick and potent, into Jimin's defined jaw; the impact like thousands of venomous blades piercing apart his clammed fist. And though it hurt, the pain he felt was nothing compared to the pain of Jimin's betrayal.

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