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Part 2 of todays updates. Please read power struggle before this :)

"I had to do it. It was the only way." His voice whispered quietly, sinking deeper onto his knee's in distraught. His hands dug into the soil beneath him, dirt slipping into his long nails that had not been taken care off, as his hands were coated in a muddy textured soil.

After Jumoon had surrendered and spotted Jimin in the bushes, Jimin had let him speak, wanting an explanation on everything that had happened. An explanation from why they had turned from being brothers to being enemies, to why he had done the things he had done to Yn and everyone else. But most importantly, whether he felt any guilt for the actions he had committed. 

Jimin wanted him to reveal it all. He wanted no more secrets to be hidden away. No more voices to be silence and hidden under those who had power. He knew when the time comes, he would have to take the life of his brother whether he wanted to or not, knowing it was the right thing to do. So the least he could do was let him voice out his story that no one ever listened to.

"She doesn't know how to control her powers. And because of that, the only way to get to it was forcing it out of her." He explained, eye's refusing to meet his younger brother, who was far from calm. "So you took advantage of her and killed her whole pack to force her powers out? What kind idiotic excuse is that!?" Jimin yelled out in frustration.

Yes, he felt sympathy and slight guilt for the way his brother was forced to feel. How he was abandoned and discriminated against for being different. But he still couldn't understand the amount of desperation he must have been in to take 100's of lives and ruin the life of someone totally innocent for personal gain. "You could have just talked to mother. Or come talk to me. I might be younger than you, but at least I could have stopped you from doing this all. Even if you do get a wolf, no one will accept you knowing you have done all this. You've just ruined things for yourself even more." Jimin continued in utter frustration and pain. He hated feeling so helpless and powerless, knowing there was nothing he could do to help Jumoon or anyone in this situation. 

"It was over for me the second I was born without a wolf. I knew that already. And that's why-"

"You gave up." Jimin interrupted, eyes ablaze at the fact he had once looked up to the man grovelling in front of him. "You gave up your life. You future. Your relationships. And family just because you were different and everyone had abandoned you?" He scoffed, as he took one step forward towards Jimin, even though Yoongi tried stopping him. "Quit lying to yourself."

"I'm not lying-" Jumoon tried to counter, body straightening to look up at his brother who was moving closer to him.  "Yes you are. "I had no choice." "I had to do it." Are all excuses because you know what you did was wrong and you just don't want to admit to it." Jimin deadpanned, stopping a metre away from Jumoon. "You knew from the very beginning what you were doing was wrong, yet you continued doing it because you wanted to feel needed. Because this way people knew who you were and you weren't alone." 

"That's not true! Why don't you get it? I need a wolf- "

"If you need a wolf to be accepted by people then how come humans are living perfectly fine without one?" Jimin dropped, his patience already reaching its limit. He had originally wanted this conversation to go in a different direction. If only Jumoon would accept that this wasn't all just because he wanted a wolf, but instead because he was afraid of admitting to being different and take accountability for his actions, Jimin could possible find it in his heart to forgive him. But the way he was going now, Jimin had a feeling Jumoon would only dig himself deeper to the point of no return.

"Human's are ugly creatures too. They will abandon and hate on anyone who is different. They might not have wolves, but they have weapons which they use to kill each other too. There's no place safe in this world for the different. You either blend in or die! Why won't you understand?!" Jumoon countered, taking Jimin's point and using it to his advantage. But what he didn't know was that Jimin was waiting for that exact answer. "I agree. But that isn't everyone. There are beautiful people who still live in this world, you just have to, unfortunately, look harder for them. Yet you stopped doing that and gave up, believing everyone would be against you." Jimin revealed calmly.

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