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1 week later

*Knock Knock*

Yn groaned as she rolled deeper into her duvet to escape the unruly sound of someone knocking. Despite the great amount of rest she has gotten over the week, the hole in her heart was apparent and numb.

Right now more than anything, she wanted some peace and quiet. Time to sleep without disturbance. And time to pretend that that never happened. But unfortunately the person at the door wanted to break the small ounce of peace that she had clawed onto as they barged obnoxiously into her room.

"You can't sleep all day! It's already 3 in the afternoon! Get your lazy butt off the bed!" The annoying being bellowed, stripping Yn off the duvet that covered her from the stinging ray of light. "Argh! My eye's!! Cassie close the curtains!" Yn cried as she rolled under the pillow, trying to protect herself from the penetrating light and salvage the last remaining specs of sleep she was entitled to.

"You're a werewolf, not a vampire." Cassie sighed in frustration as she ripped the covers from the duvet, before throwing them into the laundry basket. "Get out of bed and be downstairs in the next 10 minutes or I'll drag you down in your pyjamas. The neighbouring Alpha's that came to express their condolences, are still here and I'm sure they would find it beyond amusing to see you in this state." Cassie warned before slamming the door shut with a final "9 minutes and 50 seconds left!"

Yn groaned in annoyance before dragging herself out of the comfort of her bed. Walking like a mindless zombie, she entered the bathroom to start her daily routine of washing her face and brushing her teeth. Doing the bare minimum, Yn looked up at the bathroom mirror, noticing her red puffy eyes and prominent black bags that hung under them. "Well it's to be expected. When was the last time I got some decent sleep?" Yn sighed before closing the bathroom door as she searched for something to wear.

With the neighbouring packs currently residing and taking refuge in her pack, Yn couldn't walk around in sweats and joggers as usual, yet her heart didn't want to walk around in a dress either. Plus if she wore a dress, she would stick out like a sore thumb- something she wanted no more off. So grabbing a presentable pair of overall and a crop top, she pulled them on and ran her hand through her newly cut short hair, before leaving through the door.

Cassie's annoying counting was reaching the final seconds as she skipped down the stairs, greeting any pack members she came across and made her way to the kitchen. "For once you actually made it on time. I'm surprised." Cassie welcomed Yn with a raised eyebrow, before returning to the dining table. "With your stupid alarm in my head, I couldn't really take my time now could I?" Yn answered back, before stealing the newly baked croissant from Cassie plate and making her way out the door.

"Yah! Get back here! Where are you going? You need to see the guests off!" Cassie yelled after Yn, who was long gone. But nonetheless Yn heard her and replied through the mind link. -:I'm going to visit his grave. I'll be back before they have to leave, don't worry.:- With that, Yn left Cassie behind as she made her way to the newly dug grave.

On the way, she greeted more pack members who stopped to ask how she was doing with the recent predicament, and also passed on homemade remedies to help with the pain that still lingered. Yn gratefully listened to everyone's advice, at times stopping to make extra conversations so it wouldn't be just about her. But as much as she tried to steer the conversation away from what had happened the week prior, it would return back to that topic considering the grave sacrifice that had taken place.

However, Yn tried not let others questioning bring her down. She may not want to hurt the pack members feelings but she was also the Luna and wasn't allowing any gossip or rumours ruin her mental health or anyone else's health, so she made sure to be firm with them when they went to far with their gossiping.

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