Chapter eighty five: The Signiture

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Connor shook the spray paint he found before taking the cap off and drew two lines before making a curved one under it and looked at the smiley face on the wall, Aiden looked at it and looked to Connor before walking over tapping his shoulder, Connor turned looking to him, Aiden signed a question and Connor smiled ''It's something the other's will understand, they'll know we're here without giving our position away to random people.'' Connor explained Aiden understood and looked at it, Connor smiled ''I know it's simple.'' he signed and put the cap on the spray paint putting it back in his backpack before looking over seeing Emma walk over from across the street ''There was nothing in there, just a bunch of flowers.'' she signed for Aiden as best she could with one hand, Connor nodded understanding ''Did you take the pain killers?'' Connor asked signing, Emma nodded and looked down the road seeing walkers, Connor looked over seeing the walkers and picked his bag up, Aiden looked over seeing them and turned back following the two as they went down the road ''What are the chances of them wondering into this town?'' Emma asked as they moved into the alleyway going back to where they were staying.

Connor shrugged ''It's a maybe, I just wish I knew where to look for them.'' Connor stated as they got around the buildings and went towards the house, he saw a couple of walkers roaming around the house and took his knife out walking over while Emma brought her bat up, Aiden turned watching the two walk over to the walkers and looked around as he went to the front door taking the key out unlocking it and went inside holding it open while Emma got inside and Connor entered, Aiden shut the door locking it and turned moving out of the way while Connor moved the chair infront of the door under the handle and turned looking at the two ''We can't stay here forever.'' Emma stated looking at him, Connor thought about that and nodded hanging his head ''We won't, just... I don't want to have us travel with your arm like that.'' he stated and walked over stopping infront of her looking to her, Emma looked to her arm and nodded before looking to Aiden who was looking at the two.

Connor walked to the window and moved the blanket peeking outside, Aiden went into the kitchen area of the house while Emma went over to Connor ''Hey, I can tell your worried.'' Connor moved the blanket shutting the window off and looked to her seeing her set the bat down against the tv stand ''I just... How are we gonna find them?'' he asked looking to her, Emma smiled looking to him ''We will, may take a couple of weeks but we will find them.'' Connor looked at her and nodded looking down, he moved his bracletes a bit before taking his bag off taking the spray paint out and moved the blanket ''What are you doing?'' Emma asked, Connor shook the can looking back to her ''If we leave we could leave them a note in here, like where we went, which way we're heading so that if they do happen to come here they'll know where to go.'' Connor stated and took the lid off spraying the lines before looking around and moved the blanket back turning and looked at the ground seeing a perfect spot to leave some kind of message when it was needed. Emma went to him placing her hand on his shoulder ''We'll find them.'' Connor looked at her holding the can and nodded placing it back in his backpack.

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