Chapter twenty nine: The Single Soul

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It took Evin two hours to get back to the zone, when he arrived he saw the front gate wide open, he turned looking back the way he came seeing the garbage truck he had to walk around, he turned back and saw the dead wondering inside, he sighed shutting his eye's ''Tell me you got out.'' he stated and headed into the zone lifting his head getting the knife up walking into the zone, he approched the first walker in his way and brought the knife up from the right moving it across the zombie's neck to the left before stabbing it in the head and brought the pistol up pulling the trigger as another zombie started going for him, Evin then pushed the zombie he stabbed away from him walking forward as the one he shot fell back into the other one's squeasing through the other ones there, he pushed threw them pushing two on his right knocking them over knocking others behind them. He stabbed his knife into the head of one of them and they fell as his knife got stuck, he pulled on it and looked around to his left seeing them getting closer. He pulled on the knife but it wouldn't budge.

Evin let go and grabbed the knife from the ground rolling forward moving past most of them and kept running he pushed more away from him getting grabbed, he moved his arm's through his jacket letting them pull it off him and booked it through the clearing towards the sidewalk and contiued down it before slowing down seeing them blocking his way, he could see his house and ran to the right jumping over the railing and landed on the porch moving to the front door getting inside and shut the door behind him panting, he pushed away from it and looked at the wooden door frame and turned ''Carson.'' he called and waited, he looked around before going into the living room to his left looking around seeing everything was how it was before he left, the only difference being the dead were wondering the streets. He turned and looked out the large window before walking over and brought his knee's up on the couch looking outside at the horde, trying to see if recognized any of them, he then saw Tina one of teenagers, he scanned the crowd before he jumped back standing on his feet as the dead got to the glass.

He looked at all of the one's there seeing one of the police officers, Victor but the others weren't familiar, he shook his head and hung it turning away from the window ''Their fine, their alive... They got out.'' he stated and brought his hands up, his right hand going into his hair while his other held the gun flat to his head. The thought about all the outcomes, if they got out they'd be getting away from the zone ''What if there out there and I can't see them?'' he muttered and brought his hand up ''No, no, no. No!'' he crouched down and flipped the coffee table making it hit the couch infront of him, his hands shook and he shook his head ''No, no, they... Their all.... Their alive... Jon can't turn so he can't be in the horde.'' he stated and started pacing, he nodded ''He couldn't have turned, and if he can't turn he'd try and get other's out.... Their out, their alive.'' he stated and looked to the window seeing more of the dead crowded onto his porch ''I... I need to leave.'' he turned and ran to the stairs going up.

Evin went down the hall and pushed the door open to his and Carson's room running over and grabbed his original backpack and looked inside seeing everything was still there, the ammo, his mask, the makeup he got on that run he lifted his head ''He.... He said the other's.... Larger group?'' he thought back to what the guy said before Roy was shot. He shook his head ''The guy... Said he'd warn his group...'' Evin reached into the backpack and went to the mirror laying the bag down on the dresser pulling the mask out and opened the eye shadow ''Need to hide.'' he stated and looked at the mirror seeing the blood on his face, dried up by now from the time and cold air outside. 

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