Chapter sixty three: The Changed

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Monte punched the guy again before lifting him up agian ''The trespasser.'' he stated and kept his right hand in a fist, the guy's face was beated so badly that his left eye was now swollen and his nose was visably broken ''I want to know where you saw him last.'' the guy swallowed what he could before opening his mouth, his teeth stained with blood ''Hospital.'' is all he got out, Monte sqinted at him ''Which hospital, it's a big city.'' the guy didn't say much, Monte brought his hand up and the guy raised his shaking hands ''Brooklyn.... King's... Counrty.'' Monte let him drop and went over taking the map off the wall and looked over it before walking back over to him and held it infront of him ''Where?'' the guy looked at the map before bringing his shaking hand up and pointed, Monte looked seeing it was in a red box on the map, he stood up and looked over before picking up the bat that rested against the wall ''Do any of your people know he's there?'' he asked and looked at the guy, he shook his head and tried raising his hands to block his face knowing what Monte was going to do.

Monte brought the bat down hard to the guy's head and kept doing so until he was sure, he let the bat fall from his hands and turned reaching for the handle seeing his hand shake, he closed his hand to a fist before continuing out of the room, he looked around before laying the map down and looked around grabbing a marker to circle the area he was going to. He picked it up and folded the map putting it in his back pocket. He stood up straight and looked back to the room hearing talking, he moved over and looked at the radio before walking over and turned it up listening *This is the US Military, if there are any Military personel, evacuate these cities, New York, Chicago and Houston, also evacuate California. These places are marked for destruction, again if anyone is in the are's of those cities or the state of California, evacuate immediately, in 0900 hours these cities and the state of California will be destroyed.* Monte froze trying to think of how they would destroy an entire city, then it hit him ''Bombs.'' he turned and thought about it more, he pushed the air out of his mouth trying to think of what to do ''0900, that's nine in the morning.'' he thought about it and sighed.

''Figure out who the trespasser is, go back to the kids.'' he muttered and nodded leaving the room, he walked past the people he killed to reach the last guy in the radio room, he climbed out of the window back onto the fire escape and looked around before going to the stairs moving down them, he was on the fifth floor of an apartment building. He climbed down them and got to the bottom before climbing down the ladder and crouched as he landed on the pavement, he looked around before getting up and looked at the map, he flipped it over seeing thing's were highlighted more, he could see street numbers and names and smiled. He looked at where he was and looked around trying to figure out where the hospital was, he moved to the trash bin was and placed the map down bring the marker out and circled the area the hospital would be in on that side and moved back to where he was before drawing a line along side the road for a path to go. Once he was done he picked the map up putting the marker away and headed for the street, he got to the end of the alley and looked around before seeing a street sign and looked to the map nodding getting that was the way he was suposed to head. He put the map away and looked around before running across the road and headed down the street to turn right where the sign was.

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