Chapter six: The Dance

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Emma came down the stairs holding the now wrapped vinyl record seeing a small wrapped present on the coffee table, she looked around before walking over and looking down at it seeing her name on it, she sat down holding the vinyl close to her chest looking at the present trying to figure out what it was, when she reached for it she looked over hearing the front door open. She stood up from the couch seeing Bruce come inside, he stomped his feet on the ground knocking the snow off his boots and looked over to Emma ''Perfect, I was hopping to catch you before you left.'' Emma was a bit confused while Bruce kicked his shoes off and walked over ''Are you going to meet Connor?'' he asked, Emma nodded ''Ok, so me and that other teacher Theodore, we wanna do something for your teenagers.'' he stated, Emma smiled ''Oh?'' Bruce nodded ''We are aware that some of you might not wanna go but, we would like it if you did, it'll be happening when the festival is happening, oh wait, that hasn't gone out yet.'' Bruce stated and looked to the other time narrowing his eyebrows.

Bruce looked back to her ''We wanted to have a dance of such, like what you guy's would've had in highschool.'' Bruce stated, Emma smiled ''A prom?'' Bruce smiled and nodded, Emma thought about that and looked to the side a bit ''Uh... Do I have to wear a dress?'' Bruce thought for a moment before shaking his head, Emma smiled ''I'll go.'' she stated, Bruce smiled ''Fantastic, could you tell Connor? I already asked the other teens.'' Emma nodded and went past him to the front door grabbing her jacket before getting her hightop vans on and left the house, she shut the door and turned seeing Nikko aproching her ''Hello.'' he stated, Emma moved the vinyl behind her smiling friendly ''Hello.'' he stopped infront of her ''Has Bruce told you about the dance?'' Emma nodded looking at him ''Well, normally thing thing to do is ask girls to prom, so I came here to ask if you'd like to go to the dance with me.'' he stated straightening his posture, Emma looked at him then thought for a moment ''Um... Sure.'' she stated and looked at him, Nikko smiled kindly and nodded a bit before scoffing a bit ''For a second there I thought you were going to say no.'' Emma smiled and shook her head ''Nope.'' she stated and looked to the side, Nikko nodded and stepped out of the way letting Emma pass by, she moved the present infront of her and went down the step's before walking down the street, Nikko stepped down before turning and heading back towards his house.

Emma got ot Connor's house and went up knocking on the door, she waited a bit before Carson opened the door, he smiled and moved aside letting her in ''Living room.'' Carson stated, Emma stopped him ''Could you put this under your tree?'' she asked then looked around seeing the halloween decorations and moved her lip's making them frown down ''Uh, different.'' Carson smiled ''We couldn't celebrate it this year so, we're pushing christmas back a bit.'' he stated taking the present from her seeing how thin it was and went into the living room with Emma behind him, Emma looked over seeing he had headphones in sitting on the couch reading a comic with his leg's up as a backing to the comic, she walked over and sat on the couch before his feet, he looked up and pulled his headphones out lowering the comic ''Hi.'' Emma smiled ''I was told to tell you that there's a dance some time this week, Bruce didn't give me details.'' she explained, Connor put his hand up a bit shutting his eye's ''A... A dance?'' he asked looking to her lowering his hand, Emma smiled and nodded ''Like prom.'' Connor breathed in thinking about it ''Yeah, I think I'll pass on that one.'' Emma relaxed her arm's then brought her leg's up crossing them and faced him.

''You need to come, Nikko asked me to this ''Prom'' and I need a scapegoat if he get's to touchy.'' she stated, Connor smiled ''Nikko asked you to the dance.'' Emma hit his arm ''I couldn't say no, I could tell he was asking me because the other girls probably said no.'' she stated and looked to the side ''So it's a pitty date.'' Emma looked at him ''Sure, call it that.'' Connor smiled ''Fine, but don't expect me to ask anyone.'' he stated setting the comic and ipod to the side sitting up moving his leg's off the couch ''What about Tina, she seemed interested in you.'' Connor looked to her ''The blonde? She's to... Girly.'' Emma gave him a confused look ''All girl's are girly in my opinion, it's in the title.'' Connor rolled his eye's and smiled at her having his head tilted looking at her ''You know what I mean, prissy.'' he stated and stood up from the couch, Emma watched him walk over to the kitchen and got up following him ''Prissy or not she's interested in you, and possibly waiting for you to ask her.'' she stated leaning on the counter as he grabbed a water bottle from the fridge ''Ask alright.'' Connor looked at her ''No.'' he stated and took the lid off the water bottle and took a sip ''You'll look werid without a date.'' Connor stopped drinking and swallowed smiling ''And you'll look weird dancing with Nikko.'' Emma narrowed her eye's smiling a bit at the comment.

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