Chapter seventy eight: The Cult

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Jonathan's eye's opened slowly and he felt the pain in the back of his neck, he looked around and saw bodies tied to the tree's in the area they were in, he went to move his hands but they were tied behind him around a tree, he had tape over his mouth and looked ahead seeing Frank in the same position as him, he was waking up as well, Jonathan tried looking around more and saw people walking over, he struggled, pulling on the rope that kept his arm's tightly wrapped, he heard wa walker and looked around before looking back over to the people seeing them brining a walker towards them, they got closer and Jon stopped struggling watching them walk infront of them, the one keeping the walker at bay was holding a ketch-all pole, the loop went over the walkers neck and he was using the pole to keep the walker back. The woman looked to Jonathan then looked to Frank who was looking at them a bit scared, the woman went to Frank, Jon watched the guy turn and focus on what they were doing.

Jonathan struggled again and the thrid guy turned looking to Jon and walked over, Jon stopped and looked at him seeing this guy was bigger then the other two ''Gregory, leave him.'' Jon narrowed his brows at him angerly as the guy turned walking back to them, Jonathan took not on their weapons, no guns, they had bows. He watched the woman take a small sythe out and look at Frank ''Those who have risen will cure those who have fallen.'' Jonathan looked back to the one holding the walker and everything clicked now ''Mmh.'' the larger guy looked over to Jon and the woman turned slightly and turned looking over to him. The woman turned back to Frank, Jonathan got a bit of the bark off the tree and started moving it over the rope trying to cut through it. Jon looked around wanting to see the other bodies wanting to know what they were going to do, Jonathan looked back to them as Frank shook his head fast before she moved the sythe fast across his stomach. Jonathan's eye's widened and his breathing sped up. He hung his head trying to cut the rope faster, he tried ignoring the muffled screams from Frank as the woman moved back as the guy with the walker brought the walker to Frank letting it eat him. Jonathan glanced up hearing the muffled scream's get loader before they stopped completly as the woman walked towards him.

She stopped infront of him and Jonathan could tell he was almost through the rope ''Those who have risen will cure those who have fallen.'' she stated holding the bloody sythe, Jonathan pulled his hand's apart fast breaking the rest of the rope and grabbed her neck twisting it before dodging the bigger guy who tried grabbing him, Jon pulled the tape down off his mouth and ran through the tree's panting. He got aorund some tree's before stopping at one turning and placed his back against the tree panting, he leaned forward thinking about Frank before throwing up, he breathed in after doing so and pushed off the tree running more knowing he needed to get back, he heard someone whistle and looked only to get an arrow right into his right side, he turned from the impact and looked down at the arrow ''Fuck.'' he turned and started running using the adrenaline that he had to get out of the tree's, he looked around fast before deciding to just run. He got to the road and looked back before turning and running to a building.

He got inside and shut the door before looking down at the arrow, he slowed his breathing focusing on that before reaching behind him breaking the tip of the arrow and tossed it to the side before pulling the arrow out and tossed that part to the side as well. He looked around before walking over to the front counter in the building he was in seeing it was some kind of fancy hotel. He picked up a lighter from the small basket and tried it seeing it worked and looked around seeing a metal fire poker next to a large fire place. He looked down before walking over to the fireplace getting the poker and looked at the fire before looking to the door having a feeling he was being chased, he lit the lighter and placed it under the wood in the fire pit beofre sticking the rod in resting it on the logs and waited for it all to catch fire. Jon carefully pullled his shirt off and looked at the wound as more blood poured out fast, he placed his hand on the wound knowing there was also an exit wound, he watched the fire knowing that this procedure was going to burn.

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