Chapter one hundred and two: The Friend

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Carson looked at the grave seeing Amber's wrapped up body laying inside, he was taking a break, the rain covering everything, he perked up hearing the door of the car shut and turned seeing Alfie walking over to him holding his bunny and stood next to him ''Is that your friend?'' he asked and looked up to him, Carson looked down to him then to the grave ''Not the one I told you about, she went missing with someone else.'' he stated and looked at her laying in the grave ''Found her a bit before finding you actually.'' he stated and looked to the mound of dirt that was to the side ''What's their name?'' he asked still looking up to Carson ''Amber, she... Was, twelve I think.'' he stated and looked down to Alfie, his mouth was open slightly showing his teeth that were split in the middle a bit ''Who was with her?'' he asked, Carson smiled and looked to the grave ''Timothy, you would've been friends.'' he stated, Alfie looked to the grave raising his hand to the top of his hood moving it forward a bit before bringing it back down to hold his bunny.

Carson walked over picking the shovel up and lifted it up before shoving it into the dirt mound and grabbed the wooden handle part picking it up before tilting it, dumping the dirt in the hole on top of her ''Carson?'' she asked, Carson looked over to him ''Yeah?'' he asked and shoved the shovel back into the mound ''Will you leave me?'' he asked, Carson stopped and looked back to him ''No, but I will tell you that if something happens, like a big group of those... Uh, walkers, if a big group of them come run away, ok, I'll find you again.'' Alfie looked at him, Carson stabbed the shovel into the mound and walked over to him crouching down on one knee ''Ok?'' Alfie nodded ''Same with... If bad people come around, promise me you'll run away, don't hide because they'll find you.'' Alfie stared at him looking like he was close to crying, Carson reached forward reaching under his hood tucking the dirty blonde hair he had behind his ear ''Ok?'' Alfie nodded shutting his eye's ''Ok, you can, wait in the car, I'll probably be here for a bit longer to burry my friend.'' Alfie nodded and turned going back to the car, Carson stood up seeing Alfie get in the car and lay down again, Carson turned looking to the grave before walking back to the shovel.

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