Chapter eight: The Movies

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Evin stopped the first movie they had planned, Carson found a DVD player in the building he was clearing out and brought it back knowing they would like spending the night watching movies, so shutting the curtains and getting everything hooked up and shutting the light's off in the living room they were enjoying the movies, Evin got up and went to the DVD player while Connor looked to Timonty sitting beside him on the couch, Evin turned a lamp on and crouched looking threw the other movies they had, Carson had also brought back some movies, most of them being thrillers or movies that were a bit scarry keeping in mind there was a child who would be watching them, Evin looked at the selection while Connor leaned over to Tim whispering into his ear, Timothy's eye's widened and he nodded. Connor smiled and turned ''Is it possible to get candy?'' Evin and Carson looked over, then to each other, Carson looked at his watch and nodded ''Store's still open.'' he stated and looked at Evin, he stared at Carson getting the feeling they wanted him to go, Evin looked at the other two then sighed getting up ''What does everyone want?'' Connor and Tim highfived before looking over ''Sugar strips.'' Connor asked, Timothy sat forward a bit ''Skittles.'' he stated, Carson turned looking at him '' .'' Evin nodded getting his jacket on.

He repeated the candies to himself before opening the door and froze seeing how dark it was, Carson smiled seeing how happy the two boy's were and turned seeing Evin frozen at the door ''You ok Ev?'' he asked, Evin snapped out of it ''Yeah, just... Porch light's off.'' he stated and reahced over turning it on before leaving the house shutting the door behind him, he stood there placing his hand on the door ''It's fine, your fine.'' he stated and turned seeing that none of the houses had any lights on ''You're alright, you're in a safe zone nothing can hurt you.'' he stated and looked around, feeling eye's staring at him, all the houses were dark, inside and out, the moon wasn't out to light up anything, the sky was dark and the ground was getting darker as he walked. He sped up a bit and looked around ''You're fine, trust your eye's not your mind.'' he stated and looked around ''trust your eye's.'' he told himself, repeating it as his speed walking turned into lightly jogging, Emma rocked on the chair outside and moved the ciggerette away from her mouth blowing the smoke out, she had the light on the porch off so nobody could tell it was her smoking, she glanced out ot the street seeing a guy walking by.

Emma couldn't make out his face but she sat up noticing the way he walked, he was jogging almost, before it turned into a sprint, before he ran away Emma got a glimpse of his jacket, but it was a faint one, she couldn't make out his face so she didn't know who it was, she got up from the chair and looked down the street where he was running until he was gone around the corner at the end, she noticed how fast he was but turned forward taking one last puff of her ciggerette before sticking it into the snow piled up on the railing to the porch. She turned and headed back to the front door heading inside, she looked around before shutting the door and kicked her boots off heading upstairs fast, she headed down the hall and into her room before Bruce or Lewis noticed she had left. She took her jacket off and went to the window, she opened it and moved it outside letting it air out, she then went to her bed climbing into it and laid her head on the pillow shutting her eyes. 

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