Chapter thirty three: The Moon and Stars

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Monte stood a couple of feet away from the house, the house that looked like it should've been in a cheesy christmas movie, the bright christmas light's along the roof and on the one tree in the front yard, the random decorations of two deers stuck in the snow with tiny white light's, he sighed, being able to see his warm breath in the cold night air around him, he looked up to the night sky seeing it was as clear as it's ever been. He looked to the front door walking over, the step's up to the house had been shovled recently, he stopped infront of the door and saw the light's on inside, he raised his hand and paused having his knuckles an inch away, he thought about the way he left thing's with his family. He sighed before moving it forward knocking. Monte hung his head having a feeling whoever answered would shoo him away but, he was here on his sister's behalf.

He raised his head and looked at who answered seeing the very person who invited him ''You made it.'' she smiled, she had her hair back in a bun, Monte smiled and stepped in hugging her, she pulled away and shut the door behind him ''Thank you for coming.'' she stated looking at him, Monte nodded as his big sister stared at him ''I'm fine, just... Know that if yelling start's it's not my fault.'' he stated hearing the christmas music coming from further in the house, he breahted in smelling the food from the kitchen and saw his aunt cooking and looked to his sister ''Who's all here?'' she smiled ''All the imediate family, including Min's kids.'' Monte sighed and kicked his shoes off ''Uncle Monte!'' he turned hearing one of the said kids and crouched down catching her as she ran right at him ''You're going to injure someone.'' his sister stated and looked to Monte as he hugged her and stood up ''You're grown so much Lillian.'' she smiled ''I'm ten now, you missed by birthday.'' Monte felt that go straight to his heart ''I'm sorry Lilly, you did get my present though, right?'' he asked, Lilly shook her head, Monte looked to his sister ''She hate's me that much.'' his sister nodded.

Lillian looked to him ''Mom hate's you?'' Monte looked back to her seeing that lillian had better hearing then he thought ''Uh... No, I'm sure it's just... Misunderstanding.'' Monte stated, Lillian nodded slowly, his sister smiled ''Come on Lilly, let's go see how Gūmā.'' his sister stated taking Lilly's hand walking her to the kitchen, Monte watched them walk away and saw his father step out of the living room area looking to Lilly and his sister before turning to look at Monte, he walked over and Monte stood up straight looking to him, Clayton stood infront of him and looked down upon Monte making him feel small ''If Jin hadn't of invited you, I'd tell you to leave this property.'' he stated staring at Monte, he just looked at his father, angry almost ''I'd leave if Jin wasn't here.'' he stated and walked past him, he looked into the living room and saw his eldest sister, Min, he could feel everyon's hate as they stared at him.

He turned and headed to the kitchen and smiled knowing everyone in the kitchen liked him still ''Hey Gūmā.'' he welcomingly said hugging her, she smiled ''Zhè shì shíhòu nǐ guòláile.'' she said back to him, Monte smiled ''I know, I'm sorry but, you know about the fights.'' she nodded then patted the left side of Monte's face ''You shouldn't let that keep you from family.'' she stated in english before turning back to the food, Monte looked over seeing Jin gave Lilly a juice box and went over as Lilly ran to the living room ''I can't stay here.'' Jin looked to him and shook her head ''Gēgē, please stay, for me.'' Monte stared at her and sighed hanging his head, he looked to her seeing Jin making a believable puppy face ''Now I fully understand why you got away with thing's when you were little.'' he stated, Jin smiled and hugged him, his aunt turned smiling at them ''Shīzi, come help me.'' the two of them looked back hearing their nickname and went over, Monte grabbed oven mit's while Jin grabbed the bowl of mashed potatoes off the counter, Monte brought the turkey out setting it on the oven top and his aunt turned him to face her, she held his face in her hands ''Don't stay away from us Shīzi.'' she stated smiling and turned picking up another bowl with food in it, Monte paused and looked to the turkey. 

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