Chapter sixty four: The Hurt

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Timothy went to the stairs and headed down hearing everyone was up and eating, he looked around before seeing them off to the side, talking around the fire Carson made inside a can to contain it, Tim looked over to the canned food and went over picking up two before sneaking back towards the steps. Carson glanced over seeing him going to the step's ''Tim.'' he froze and turned looking to Carson ''Hi.'' Carson set his can down and went over ''What are you doing?'' he asked with a slight smile, Tim looked to the canned food in his hands then back up to him, he felt a limp in his throat ''He's just bringing us food, we're playing cards.'' Amber said looking to him, Carson looked to her standing on the landing then down to Timothy and nodded ''How about you guy's come hang out down here?'' he asked, Timothy looked past him seeing Shawn sitting around the fire and shook his head before going upstairs, Carson watched the two go back up and turned looking over to see Shawn looked down.

Carson narrowed his eye brows to Shawn before walking back over to them and sat down beside Veronica, Shawn glanced back over to the stairs then looked to Carson ''You just let them take the food?'' he questioned, Carson looked to him as Tabitha got up from her spot beside Marc ''Their growing kids, yes I did.'' he stated and looked at him knowing what Shawn thought about them eating the food. Shawn looked at the people around him not wanting to have a fight right now, Carson looked back down continuing his can of food. Veronica could feel the tention between the two and got up ''I think I'll go up and rest, Patrica.'' she muttered the last part and headed for the stairs, Patrica fininshed her can of food before getting up and following her mom to the stairs and headed up behind her. Carson sighed and got up walking the can over to the trash tossing it inside and went over to grab a water before noticing there were three missing, he turned and looked over at the other's seeing that none of them had any. He turned again and crouched picking one up and thought about the last time Tim and Amber ate.

He got up and headed over to the stairs going up, he looked over at the kids door and walked over before knocking ''Tim, Amber?'' he asked, Veronica looked over hearing Carson, he then opened the door and immediately got a chill seeing the window was open, he went over seeing a blanket rope leading out the window, he hurried over and looked out seeing they were gone. He stepped back and looked around seeing a note on the dresser and went over picking it up seeing it was Tims hand writting 'I'm sorry Carson. -Timothy' Carson lowered the note and hung his head shutting his eye's ''Evin's gonna kill me.'' he muttered and went to the door seeing Veronica standing there, he brought the note up ''They left.'' he stated and let her hold it, she looked at the note then turned seeing him go downstairs. Carson grabbed his backpack and the other three looked over to him, Shawn got up confused and went over ''What are you doing?'' Carson got his bag on and turned looking at him ''Tim and Amber just ran away.'' he stated and went for the door before slowing down and turned looking back at him ''What did you say?'' Shawn looked at him shocked.

''I didn't say anything to them.'' Carson stared at him not believing him but breathed out heavily before turning and moved around the stuff leaving out the front door, Shawn grabbed his bag and followed him, Marc and Tabitha ran over grabbing their backpacks as Veronica came down ''Tab.'' Tabitha stopped and looked back as Marc raced after them ''It's Tim and Amber.'' Tabitha stated before turning and running for the door, Veronica stepped down as they left her behind again, Patricia came down the step's and stood on the platform and Veronica turned looking back at her daughter before walking up to her.

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