Chapter sixty eight: The Rush

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Evin opened his eye's and sat up from the bench bed and looked over seeing Monte getting Alexanders coat on before turning to the twins basket's, Evin sat up more seeing his leg was wrapped up already, he couldn't remember Monte doing it, he looked to the side seeing a small bucket with blood soaked cloth's. Monte looked over seeing Evin lifting his leg up a bit moving it over the edge ''Hey, relax, it's only five in the morning.'' he stated and got up walking over to Evin ''You say that as if it's normal to be awake right now.'' Monte smiled stopping infront of him ''How does your leg feel?'' he asked loosing the slight smile, Evin looked down seeing it all wrapped up, his pant leg ripped up to that point ''Better, dosen't feel like there's a bullet lose in there anymore.'' he stated and looked to Monte with a slight smile, Monte stared at him and moved over sitting down beside him ''What happened?'' he asked, Evin looked at him and tried thinking about what Monte could've been talking about ''Back in Toronto, why are you alone?'' Evin stared at him then looked forward.

''We were ambushed.'' Evin said simply, Monte's eye's widened a bit while he stared at him, he turned forward before nodding getting the tone from Evin that he didn't wanna talk about it, Monte stood up and looked to Evin ''You said Jon got out?'' he asked looking to him, Monte nodded seeing him change the subject ''Yeah, I'm.... eighty percent sure he did.'' Evin nodded and looked forward, Monte turned looking over to Alex as he sat down next to his siblings playing on his etch a sketch, he turned to Evin ''Can you watch them, I'm gonna look for a car.'' Evin sighed lifting his head to look at him as Monte approched the front door ''What time are the bombs dropping?'' Monte got his backpack on and looked back to him ''Nine, so I have five hours to find a working car, enough gas to get us through the city and to find a safe route out of the city.'' he stated saying all the thing's ''Damn it.'' he hung his head having his hands on his hip's, Evin thought about it ''What if we took a boat?'' he asked and looked to him, Monte looked over to him.

He nodded ''The bombs wouldn't be able to reach us.'' Evin got himself off the benches and tried his best to put weight on his leg but moved the weight back to his left leg seeing it was to much still ''What are you doing?'' Monte asked, Evin looked over to him ''You think from where we are right now you can get to the edge where the water is and back to get us only to bring us all back over there in five hours, you must be Barry Allen.'' Evin stated and placed his right hand on the wall picking his backpack up. Monte walked over and saw he would have a hard time traveling to the ocean and looked around, he moved over picking up the crutch he stole from the hospital along with the rest of the medical supplise that he shoved into a duffle bag, he picked it up putting it over his shoulder and walked over Evin limped over using the crutch to get over to the basket's before picking Benjamin's up and looked to Monte seeing him hold the duffle bag on his shoulder and crouched to Alex taking the etch a sketch from him getting his attention.

''If something happens you remember what to do?'' Alex nodded, Monte smiled ''Tell me.'' Monte stated ''If something happens, hide somewhere I can only fit and don't come out until I heard you.'' Monte smiled and got up, Alexander stood up and Monte turned him around putting the etch a sketch in his small backpack and picked Elizabeth's basket up, Evin set Ben's down and took his bag off, Alex and Monte turned looking at him ''I found something back in Toronto.'' he stated and set the bag down before reaching down opening it then pulled the red blanket out, Alexander's eye's widened as a smile snuck onto his face ''By blanket!'' he stated and stepped forward taking it, Evin smiled ''Thank you.'' Alex stated looking to Evin who was smiling liking that he could make Alex happy. Monte moved the chair and grabbed the handel to keep the door from swinging open to far, he moved over and peeked outside looking around seeing that the city looked gloomy and almost abandoned but he knew thing's were everywhere in this area, he turned looking to Evin making sure he was ready before opening the door letting Alex step outside before holding it open for Evin before turning and letting go of the door.

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