Chapter eighty one: The One's Responsible

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Bruce peeked out through the curtains onto the street ''So, you said there were other kinds of these, zombies?'' he asked, his student nodded ''Yeah, there's runners, walkers, in some of the games there were thing's called stalkers, bloaters, clickers, but I don't think these are those kind, they seem like walkers.'' he stated looking out the widow ''Dexter, there's nothing in this library that can be used as a weapon.'' the other student stated getting to them, Bruce turned looking at him ''Are weapons really neccesary, we could just out run them, you said they might be walkers.'' Dexter looked to Bruce ''I mean yeah we could but if we get surrounded we'll need weapons so that we don't die.'' Dexter explained and turned to his friend ''Maybe there's thing's in the buidlings around us?'' he stated, he nodded and turned looking over to the fire fighter with the girl that finally woke up ''Doesn't she look familar?" he asked looking back to his friend, Dexter looked past him ''She could've been with the student's that came to look at the collage?'' he stated and looked at Bruce who looked over at her.

He looked to what she was wearing, a black T-shirt with 'F*ck society' written in big white letters on the front and skinny jeans ''Impossible.'' he stated and turned looking at the window, Dexter looked at him ''Why do you say that?'' he asked, Bruce looked at him and looked back to her ''Let's just say the school has high standards about who get's into it's ranks.'' he explanied and looked back out the window seeing the zombies roaming the streets, people had already got into buildings or perrished on the street, Dexter looked over to the girl seeing her look to the fire fighter like it was her father, he was asking her a bunch of questions, probably worried about her well being. Dexter looked to his friend who was looking at her ''Phill, you'll start drooling.'' he stated and started walking, Phill looked up at him while Dexter walked over to them, Phill turned seeing Bruce was to worried about the dead outside.

Dexter stopped standing next to the fire fighter and looked at her ''Uh, I was just wondering if you were ok?'' she looked to him and nodded ''Yes, my chest feel's.... heavy but, Matilda said it was ok.'' she stated looking at him, Dexter nodded looking at her ''Do I know you from somewhere?'' he could tell the fire fighter looked at him then to the girl, she stared at him and shook her head with a slight smile ''I'm not sure.'' she stated and looked at him ''What's your name?'' he asked, she smiled ''Emma, this is my uncle Lewis.'' she stated, Lewis moved his hand, Dexter shook his hand before indroducing himself to them, Matilda came back shutting a door ''They got in through the back, I was checking for water and food and, apparently the aprentice I had left the back door open when fleeing.'' she stated getting to them ''How many?'' Lewis asked, walking around the table Emma was against ''Maybe ten.'' Dexter thought for a bit ''We could stick to the buidling's and try and make it out of town, it shouldn't be that hard based on how many are on the street.'' Emma looked at him ''What if there are some in the alley ways?'' she asked, Dexter thought about it ''We'll just go around them.'' he stated and went to the front door.

Emma pushed away from the table while Phill and Dexter moved the book shelf and couch away and Dexter turned to them ''Just... Don't let them grab you, if they manage to grab you, push them away or lose the piece of clothing their grabbing, unless it's a shirt... Just don't let them grab you.'' he stated and turned looking at Phill who looked to him raising an eye brow ''Nice one.'' he stated and opened the door holding the door for everyone to run through before following them out. Emma looked at the dead walking around in disbelief about it all happening, Dexter went back taking her hand seeing Emma stayed back to look at them, Emma turned thinking about it ''It's actually happening.'' Lewis looked around at the dead wondering the street ''Focus on getting out of the town, then we can panic about it being the end.'' Dexter stated and looked back seeing Phill making sure Matilda made it out infront of him ''Phill.'' Dexter stopped and let go of Emma's hand going back as Phill was grabbed, Phill pushed it away only to turn get grabbed by two more and get bit, Phill looked over yelling and put his hand out with his palm facing Dexter ''No, go.'' Phill stated and pushed them off him before stepping back and turning, Phill turned looking at him ''Go.'' Phill stated, Dexter stared at him before backing away from the horde that was coming closer and turned running over taking Emma's hand pulling her along, Bruce turned seeing Phill get surrounded as he tried keeping them away from the group only thinking about why they were in the town to begin with.

Lewis looked around pushing a walker away before turning seeing Dexter getting Emma through everything and looked around before pointing ''Move through the cars, get space between us and the dead.'' he called and hurried over, the other's followed him as he moved between the cars on the road. Bruce looked back before Matilda reached him ''Keep going.'' she stated, Bruce looked at her and saw Dexter move Emma infront of him before going between the cars, Bruce turned and walked, Matilda turned and looked at him following ''It's not your fault.'' Matilda stated looking around being careful to not get grabbed, Bruce looked around as well ''What isn't my fault.'' he questioned, Matilda looked at him ''Phill.'' Bruce turned looking at her ''He was my responsibility, I was supposed to look out for him...'' Bruce looked down before turning and started walking, Matilida looked at him before turning to look at the student and Emma and contiued walking.

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