Chapter tweleve: The Language

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''Alright, we'll head to lunch then after I'm letting you guys get off early to study.'' Bruce stated looking at the teenagers seeing it was twelve in the evning, the teens got up and headed out of the classroom, Emma stayed next to Connor as they walked out while Aiden and Alec run by them leaving ''I should ask Aviana or Mia to teach me ALS.'' Connor stated, Emma looked to him ''They know how to sign?'' Connor nodded ''Yeah, they needed to know how for their jobs.'' he stated as they pushed the door's open walking down ''Hey, Connor.'' he turned along with Emma as Nikko came out ''Hope your not trying to steal my dance.'' Emma looked to Connor as he looked to Emma then over to Nikko ''No, we're just talking.'' he stated, Nikko got there crossing his arm's over his chest ''Can I talk to you?'' he asked turning his focus to Emma, she paused before nodding and turned to Connor ''I'll meet you there.'' Connor nodded and looked Nikko before walking away. Nikko pulled Emma to the side seeing the three girls leave the building ''Was he talking about dancing with you?'' Emma looked at him ''Would you relax?'' she asked confused of why he was so demanding that she danced with him.

''I am relaxed I just wanna make sure you aren't changing your mind about going with me.'' Emma smiled a bit ''I haven't, Connor's just... A really close friend, I haven't changed my mind about the dance.'' she stated and turned walking down the street, Nikko watched her walk after Connor and looked down before looking over to Tina and them as they started walking away, he turned and walked down the street after Connor and Emma ''What was that about?'' Connor asked while Emma caught up with him ''He was just making sure I didn't change my mind, even though I didn't wanna go to the dance anyways.'' Connor thought about the situation ''What if you two danced a bit, and when you want to leave say your going to the bathroom or somehting and we'll leave, I'll even stay beside the bathrooms.'' he stated looking to her, Emma smiled and nodded liking the plan as they turned left on the street walking to the resturant, Connor held the door open letting her go inside and followed in after him.

The two went over to the counter looking up at the chalk menu, Connor looked around seeing Aiden and Alec already sitting at a large table, Rosa, one of the new cooks that joined the zone with Davis, aproched them, Emma smiled to her ''Hello.'' Rosa gave a friendly smile back ''Hello, what can I get for you two?'' she asked, Connor turned around seeing Nikko and the three girls come into the resturant, Connor turned looking to her while Emma handed over three of her ration tickets ''Hamburger.'' she stated, Connor looked at the food listed and handed her two of his ration tickets ''Cesar saled.'' he stated, Emma looked to him and Rosa smiled ''Alright, I'll get the two orders to the others she stated writting them down and took the tickets before turning, Connor then lead Emma to the table where Aiden and Alec were sitting. They sat down across from the two and Alec looked to them ''Hey.'' he stated, Aiden waved to them, Connor smiled at both of them waving to Aiden, Emma smiled while Alec turned to Aiden, Aiden was looking at the two and started signing, the two looked at him then turned to Alec ''He's asking how you guy's are doing?'' he stated repeating the quesiton with both speaking and signing.

''We're good.'' Emma stated looking to him, Aiden started signing again focusing it to Alec seeing these two didn't know sign language, Alec nodded and turned to the two ''Would you wanna learn signing?'' Alec asked while signing, Emma turned to Connor who nodded ''We have friends that know it.'' Connor stated and looked to Aiden, he smiled ''Who?'' Alec spoke for him seeing Aiden sign ''Aivana and Mia.'' Emma stated remembering what Connor said before entering the resturant, the three turned making Aiden turn seeing the three grils walking over and Nikko before Nikko sat down beside Emma, Tabitha sat on the other side of Aiden while Tina and Sara sat at the end of the table ''Have you guy's heard of the bonfire later today?'' Tabitha asked looking to them, Emma and Connor were a bit taken back by the information ''No.'' Nikko stated not hearing about it either ''It's like a christmas festavil thing, it's today though.'' she stated signing for Aiden beside her, Aiden tapped her shoulder before asking her what time. Tabitha looked at the others then signed in his direction ''Their lighting it around nine tonight.'' she stated and lowered her hands.

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