Chapter fifty two: The Sweep

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Carson turned seeing Veronica hugging Tabitha while Marc checked his bag ''I'll be fine mom.'' she stated seeing her mom was worried, Veronica pulled away from the hug and looked to her ''You stay close to them alright, no running off.'' Tabitha looked at her ''When have I ever run off?'' Veronica smiled and hung her head, Tabitha crouched down looking to her little sister and tucked her hear behind her ear ''Take care of mom.'' she smiled and nodded, Tabitha got up and turned seeing they were ready so she walked over and left the building with them, Carson looked around seeing it was raining and tunred to them bringing his hood up ''There's another building down the street, it'll have supplise to last us a couple of days.'' he stated and they headed down the step's before walking to the brick wall hopping over, Carson looked around taking his knife out and walked towards a walker that was in the road and grabbed it as it reached out for him and brought the knife up through the arms stabbing it through the chin before pushing it away from him, it landed on the wet concrete he turned seeing Shawn take out another while Tabitha landed on the sidewalk.

They headed down the street focusing on the building not going for the smaller stores to wasit time, they got to the building in no time with no problems, Carson went to the door and tried it seeing it was locked and stepped back looking around at the windows before seeing railings to the side and went over going around the railing and headed down the step's, the other's followed and Carson saw a small window they could crawl threw, he stood at the wall before kicked the window and cleared the glass all around it before crouching, he moved his leg's inside before moving in and landed on a table, he was curious on what this building was, he shinned the flashlight around seeing he was in a laundry room, he dropped down and went to the large basket's with clothing while Tabitha moved her leg's in moving in and landed on the same table before dropping down and brought her light around shinning it around.

Carson smiled and picked up a bandana before putting it into his pocket before turning as Marc landed on the table, Tabitha started heading up the stairs making him believe she was eager for her first ''run'' Carson walked around the table and headed up after her. Tabitha opened the door and looked down the hall before moving into it, Carson moved out and looked back the way Tabitha didn't and turned moving down the hall with her, Marc followed them with Shawn just getting inside, he looked around before moving up the stairs after them, Tabitha opened a door and saw they were in the lobby of the building, they moved inside and Carson turned looking at the front desk seeing a buisness name on the wall behind it. Shawn looked around not seeing anything of interest so he moved over to the elevator shaft's, he saw one was stuck half way open and grabbed the edge before pulling it open, he held it open and looked into the shaft and looked up seeing the elevator stuck on one of the higher floors, he moved out and let it shut back to where it was stuck if not more.

Tabitha went to the stairs heading up and Carson sighed moving after her while Marc went behind the front desk looking at what was there, Shawn followed the two up while Marc grabbed an old bag of chips from behind the desk and set his backpack on the desk getting the chip's inside before following after the three that headed up. Once on the second floor Tabitha went away from the stairs looking around the cubicals that were there ''Buisness office.'' Carson stated and looked around not seeing any walkers but saw the place was a mess, paper's everywhere seeing a clear sign of people running and struggling. Tabitha looked around

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