Chapter twenty six: The Shattered Fragments

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Evin glared at the men surrounding them, focusing on the one infront of him looking at him only with a smug smirk, the guy crouched down in front of Roy, all those with Evin were on their knee's, hands tied behind their backs, the guy sighed ''I'm going to warn you, every time you don't answer my questions either with the answer I'm looking for or no answer at all, I'll kill one of your men...'' the guy glanced over to Emily and smiled before looking back to Roy ''And woman.'' he stated and stood looking down at Roy ''How many gun's are in your camp?'' he asked, Roy stayed quiet not believing him, the guy looked down to his man who placed a blade on Bill's throat before slitting it pushing Bill over, he hit the ground and Evin looked over his eye's widening seeing Bill's blood seeping out into the carpet as he twitched, Emily looked down her heart racing, the guy looked to Roy seeing he could seeing Bill ''Do I have to repeat myself?'' Roy looked up to him then looked forward ''A lot, I don't know the exact ammout.'' he said honestly, the guy pressed his lip's together ''Not what I'm looking for but, it's understandable.'' he stated, Evin watched as they pulled Bill's body away, tossing him down an elevator shaft.

''Who are you people.'' Tony asked looking over to the man, the guy looked over ''I. Ask. The questions.'' he stated and nodded to Tony the man moved over slitting his neck, Evin looked to Tony fall becasue he was right beside him, Evin's fist's clenched and he moved his head forward, his eye's staying wide open ''How much medical supplise is there?'' he asked and waited, Roy shut his eye's knowing the consiquences but couldn't think of exact numbers, the guy nodded to his man as he moved back over and grabbed Steve's head while they pulled Tony to the elevator shaft, Steve fell and Evin's hands started shaking slightly, twitching almost ''I don't know.'' he Roy stated feeling tears starting to form in his eye's, the guy nodded and the guy grabbed Lewis's head, Evin looked over seeing the knife move against his throat, Emily watched Lewis fall forward hitting the ground, Evin turned forward his lip curling up to the left. Roy shut his eye's tightly trying not to cry ''How many military soldiers are in your camp?'' Roy sighed ''Two.'' he stated thinking about Bill and bit his tongue.

The guy made a squeaking noise with his mouth ''You trying to tell me you have a military safe zone and the only soldiers in there, are two?'' he questioned, Roy looked up to him ''Yes, we've been there for so long we lost people.'' the guy shook his head and nodded to his man ''No! I'm telling you the truth!'' Roy yelled looking back to the guy leaning forward as the guy slit Charlie's throat, Evin move his wrist's in the hand cuffs while the guy placed a gun to Roy's forehead ''How many.'' Roy stared at him ''Two, you killed one just now, so I guess that leave's one.'' he stated looking at him as a single tear rolled down his cheek ''I can tell you're lying.'' the guy stated and aimed his gun to Emily shooting her, Evin snapped, pulling his hands away breaking them in two and ran to the man infront of him he grabbed a stapiler he pushed the bottom half of the stapiler before grabbing the guy and stapiled him in the eye's, everything happened to fast for the other's to react, he pushed the guy away taking his gun and shot the one's around him before turning holding the gun with one hand shooting the guy he stapiled and turned looking at the guy who show Emily.

The guy shot Theo, one of the last people there before he grabbed Roy and ran to the stairs pushing Roy down the stairs and turned grabbing a chair blocking the door as Evin got there and looked at him through the glass and smiled before moving away from the door, Evin tossed the gun to the side before going to the elevator shaft grabbing a cord and slid down, he steped over the bodies and grabbed the elevator door's pulling them apart looking onto that floor, he slipped threw and looked over seeing more of the men and walked over grabbing a metal ruler on a table near him and moved to the left fast hitting the wall as they shot at him, Evin then leaned forward running at them, he jumped bringing up the metal ruler slicing one their throats open landing on a second bringing the ruler down stabbing him in the eye and looked up at the others picking up the gun and aimed at them shooting all of them, spraying the gun back and fourth until it ran out of ammo. He tossed it to the side and ran over leaning forward again grabbing a guy and pressed his face onto the screen of a copy machine and slammed the lid down so hard almost crushing his head.

Evin turned grabbing two pencils tossing them like throwing knives getting someone in the eye's with one and ran over tackling them before unhooking the guy's knife stabbing him in the gut twisting it, he looked up seeing the guy peek into this floor and ran towards him leaning forward getting more speed, he got the door sticking his hand through and swung the knife around getting the guy's arm, he held his arm and ran down the stairs grabbing Roy pulling him down the stairs more, Evin pushed the door open and head down the stairs turning the corner going down more stairs following the guy out of the stair well and looked over seeing him pass by more of his men, Evin smiled and turned grabbing a folded up chair and held it in front of him as the bullets came, once they stopped fireing he lowered the chair and tossed it towards their leg's running after it, he jumped on one of them moving behing him twisting his neck breaking it before jumping off rolling and cut one of their leg's before moving behind him as they started shooting towards him, shooting the guy instead of him, Evin pushed the guy forward and looked at them smirking.

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