Chapter ninety two: The Angel

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Connor stepped back looking at the smiley face seeing the rain hitting it slightly making it run but it was still recognizable, Emma looked around ''We staying here?'' Connor shook his head putting the can away in his bag getting his bag on his back ''We can still get to Huntington while it's still morning.'' he stated and looked around wondering if the other's would wonder into this area, Emma looked at him ''Keep your head up, ok.'' Connor looked at her and nodded turning with her as they went towards Aiden who was in a small store, he held up two bag's of chip's with a smile on his face, Emma smiled seeing he was excited about the food, Emma got to him and took one of the bags while Connor looked around more ''We should get moving, if we're fast we could even make it to the next city in this day.'' he explained and turned back looking behind Aiden as someone walking infront of a group raised a gun, Connor grabbed Emma's right arm and Aiden's left arm pulling them into the alley as the guy shot, he pushed the two infront of him before running behind them.

He turned back looking to where the people would've been and turned the corner ''Keep going.'' he said while also signing seeing Aiden was confused, Aiden looked back before following the two, Emma got to the street and looked around before looking across the street before booking it over, Connor got to the street and turned to Aiden ''Ok, you run over to her.'' he signed and looked back making sure the guy's didn't come out of no where, Aiden looked at him 'What about you?' he signed, Connor smiled ''I'll be right behind you.'' Aiden nodded and turned looking around, seeing Emma he left running over to her before getting hit int the side by a bullet, Emma's eye's widened as she looked over seeing the group, Connor saw and looked over before running out going to Aiden. When he got there Aiden looked over to the guy's before pushing Connor away from him as they shot him in the neck, Connor fell back and looked at Aiden as rain hit his face he watched Aiden's blood seep onto the street mixing with the rain, he looked to the group before getting up, pushing away as he did and ran down the street, Emma stared at Aiden feeling her breathing speed up, she turned and went to the back of the store jumping over the counter before falling down sitting and leaned against the counter dropping her bat, she placed her right hand on her chest trying to calm her breathing.

Connor booked it down the street before getting grabbed into an alley and had a hand cover his mouth before struggling hearing a truck start up from down the road, Connor calmed down a bit before the hand moved away, Connor turned getting his knife out and aimed at him. Monte put his hands up ''Easy.'' Connor stared at him in disbeliefe ''Monte?'' he nodded ''Come with me.'' he stated grabbing Connor's shoulder turning him to head down the alley, Connor's hands were shaking still as the realisation hit about Aiden, Monte moved him into a store through the back door and turned looking at him ''Who's with you?'' he asked, Connor just stared forward, Monte could tell something was wrong and went to him raising his hand slowly ''Connor?'' he looked at Monte ''I.... He....'' Monte placed his hands on Connor's shoulders ''Did something happen, like, just now?'' Connor slowly nodded before his eye's started watering.

He then moved forward hugging Monte catching him off guard, Monte hugged him back ''There's someone who really want's to see you.'' Monte mentioned, Connor pulled away looking at him ''He might be able to... Cheer you up, better then I can.'' Connor looked before pulling away more hugging himself ''Emma, is out there.'' Monte looked at him then turned looking at the door, he turned back to Connor, ''Head back to the road, it would've been where you came from.'' Monte stated and went to the door ''I'm not leaving without Emma.'' Monte paused and smiled looking to him ''Be carefull alright, Evin will kill me if I get you killed.'' he stated and opened the door, Connor brought his knife out walking out of the place with Monte following behind him.

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