Chapter seventy two: The Rendezvous

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Jonathan looked around before shutting the door's and grabbed a chair bringing it over and turned to the group ''Ok, meet back here around...'' he looked to his watch ''Twelve or twelve thrity.'' Jon stated and looked at the two, they nodded ''How's your leg?'' Frank asked looking to Aviana ''A lot better.'' she stated with a smile Frank moved over to her with his bag checking his stuff before him and Jonathan headed out, LJ looked over at Jon seing him looking around through the window, he sighed out and walked over before standing right beside him ''I'm sorry for pushing.'' Jon looked to him slightly then looked outside ''Aviana told you?'' LJ looked at him ''What?'' Jon nodded ''She told you about what happened before ourbreak day.'' he stated looking around, LJ looked at him then looked outside ''Yeah, that's not why I'm saying sorry though.'' he stated and bit his tounge, Jon nodded ''I was meaning to tell you.'' he stated and looked at him ''I was also meaning to tell you that I'm happy you let me and Evin join you.'' LJ shrugged ''It's nothing, I mean, our group has grown a lot... I think.'' LJ stated and looked at him, Jon smiled and nodded ''It has.'' he stated and looked at LJ.

''We ready?'' Frank asked looking over, Jon turned around and nodded looking to LJ ''Remember, if you see that group or a different group fighting with anything, just go around them, this is their city not ours.'' Jon stated looking at them, they nodded, Jon walked over and moved the chair opening the door letting LJ and Aviana out first before him and Frank walked out. LJ and Aviana headed down the road while Jon and Frank turned going the other way, LJ looked to Aviana who was checking her pistol ''We should get you a long range gun or, maybe a shotgun.'' LJ stated looking at her, Aviana smiled and looked up ''I don't know how to shoot a ritfle or a shotgun.'' LJ shrugged ''It's technically the same, just a bigger gun.'' he stated and checked his revolver, Aviana looked at it ''You don't look like someone who would've owned a gun before outbreak day.'' Aviana mentioned, LJ smiled and looked at her ''I didn't.'' Aviana was a bit confused ''Isn't that your gun?'' she asked, LJ looked to the revolver ''Uh... No... Someone gave it to me at the begining.'' he stated and looked around at the small buildings.

Aviana looked at him before looking around herself ''Do you think Mia got out?'' she asked, LJ nodded ''Yeah, I think she would've been with Emma, Connor and Aiden, teaching the two sign language.'' Aviana smiled and nodded ''Right, I remember her telling me about that.'' she stated and stopped looking to her right hearing something, LJ looked over hearing it as well ''Walker?'' she asked turning to look at him, LJ looked down the road seeing Frank and Jon were already out of view, thinking they probably turned onto a different street and looked at the store ''Maybe.'' he stated and looked at the sign hanging over the front window, it was a small flower shop, and he could see inside through the window but it was to dark inside, moving forward he looked in through the window seeing a walker approching the window slowly ''Yeah, walker.'' he stated and looked back to her as she walked over ''You wanna leave it?'' Aviana asked, LJ looked around in the store not seeing much of anything they would need and nodded ''Yeah, if we need something from here we'll take care of it then.'' he stated and looked to her, Aviana nodded following his lead.

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