Chapter eighty three: The Traumatized

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Jonathan ran down the hall and turned seeing the walkers moving a bit faster, he watched them before getting into a room and shut the door and leaned against it as the walker got to the door and started banging on the door, Jon moved his hand up and locked the door turning keeping his right leg and hip pressed to the door as he dead bolted it and stepped back being outside and looked to the door hearing the banging and panted actually having to run from them, he shook his head widening his eye's and looked over seeing the people still following him and turned running into an alley hearing a whistle behind him, he moved behind a wall panting having been running all night ''Ok, meeting point.'' he looked down the street seeing the building and nodded pushing away and ran over booking it over, he went up the small step's and got to the door knocking, he turned looking over to where he last saw the people and turned ''LJ it's me.'' he stated and looked around not wanting to get shot by another arrow, he heard movement before the door opened and Jon moved in shutting the door moving the chair and turned sitting down on the said chair panting ''Where were you?'' LJ asked, Jonathan looked at him before getting up walking over and looked around seeing Vivian ''You good to move?'' he asked, Vivian looked at him before nodding, Jon nodded and turned seeing LJ stand right in front of him.

''You had us worried.'' LJ stated and looked to the door realizing Frank was missing and looked back to him ''We need to leave, now.'' he stated and moved past him going to Aviana seeing her and leaned down waking her up ''Why?'' Jon stood up and raised his shirt showing the arrow wound and LJ saw it ''This was from a group that kidnapped me and Frank, yesterday.'' LJ looked at him while Jon lowered his shirt and thought about Frank looking to the side ''They.... Had us tied to trees... I couldn't get free in time to save...'' he looked down, Vivian looked over before getting up and passed by LJ going to him and stood infront of him holding Jon's shoulders ''Hey, it's fine, we'll... Get out of the city.'' she stated and turned looking to LJ, he nodded and went past the two grabbing his backpack Vivian looked to him, Jonathan looked over to the door ''We.... We've run into... A lot of people.'' he stated and looked at her ''These might be the first people that scare me.'' Vivian looked at him worried ''You sure about that?'' Jon thought about it before nodding.

Vivian rubbed his arm before turning and walked over grabbing her bag Jonathan looked over to the door's waiting to hear a whistle, Aviana got up and looked to Jon before looking around ''Where's Frank?'' she asked rubbing her eye, LJ looked to her before shaking his head and went to Jon ''Hey.'' Jon looked to him ''You ok?'' Jonathan nodded ''Gotta be.'' he stated and went to the door, he listened against it before moving to the window and peeked out back the way he came before reaching for the handel and paused hearing a whistle from outside slightly and pulled his hand back before turning to them and brought his hand up placing a finger on his lip's moving infront of the door's, the three moved to the sides and hid waiting for Jon's move on everything before hearing more whistleing, Jon hung his head trying to think of the whistles he's heard not recognizing it, he turned and peeked outside seeing they let their guard down. Jonathan moved away and turned looking at them as they came out ''Is there a back door to this place?'' he asked, LJ thought about it before nodding and walking to the back of the store, Jonathan followed him while Vivian and Aviana followed after them leaving the front area.

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