Chapter twenty four: The Infiltration

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Monte ran into the building where the school was every day and moved through the halls getting to the room where one of the new people were getting a daycare ready, Monte went in and fell to his knee's while Alexander ran over to him, Monte hugged him and looked over seeing a woman one who started this whole program, she was holding her one year old son ''Are you his father?'' she asked not seeing him bring Alex here that morning, Monte paused for a moment before picking him up ''Uh, yeah, you could call me that.'' he stated and looked to him, he looked around before walking over to the twins looking at them fast asleep, he turned looking to her ''What's happening?'' she asked scared, Monte nodded ''Uh, we need to leave.'' he stated and set Alex down before looking around.

The woman moved her son up letting him lay on her shoulder and went over picking up Elizabeth's basket, Monte looked to her and grabbed Alexander's hand before picking up Ben's basket and turned hearing a gun shot from the hall, the woman turned to Monte who turned setting Ben down and crouched ''I need you to stay here, alright?'' he stated, Alexander looked to him ''I'm scared.'' Monte nodded shaking slightly ''I, I know, but I promise we're getting out of here, alright?'' Alex nodded trusting Monte before he got up moving the gun around and looked to the woman. He took his pistol out and handed it to her ''Do you know how to shoot?'' he asked, the woman's eye's widened a bit then looked to the gun ''Uh... Yeah, just, aim and shoot?'' Monte nodded ''Yeah, just... Aim for the head.'' he stated and moved to the door, he pushed the door open a bit then looked around before raising his gun at Davis as he lowered his gun after aiming at Ava. Davis turned and looked at Monte ''She turned.'' he stated looking at Monte, he shook his head ''For some reason I don't trust you.'' Davis smiled and looked down ''You wanna know what's funny?'' he stated looking down at Ava's body.

''I thought you were trying to play the same thing I was.'' he stated and looked to Monte who kept his gun on him ''You just chose Sargent over General.'' Monte stepped closer keeping the gun on him ''You're not a General?'' Monte asked wanting to get the full picture ''No, the military that came to New York were gathering people, giving them water, sheltering them in a highschool, of course the dead caught a bunch of people but most of the men with me.'' he breathed in before sighing out heavily ''We didn't like how the military swooped in expecting us to comply with everything... Especially after we heard the broadcast.'' Monte looked at him confused ''How did you heard it, it was on a secure line for the General's only.'' Davis smiled and turned to face him ''It came through after they gathered everyone and we... Got rid of them.'' he stated looking at Monte ''You don't have to be suspicious of the woman and children, they were there when we took over, the men that were with the woman and children joined me... After my speach.'' Monte looked at him keeping the gun on him.

Davis turned hearing the dead hit the door seeing their silhouettes in the white window's on the door, Davis turned back ''Why?'' Davis sighed out and looked to the side ''I didn't think they'd set explosions, we were just going to, get rid of the men that wouldn't join us but... Now well, that won't happen.'' he stated and looked to Monte, he pointed the gun to him but not aiming ''You... You would've been good to join us, a strong frim member but... I see your to invested into the people of this camp.'' Monte nodded keeping the gun on him ''You're a threat, you know that.'' Davis nodded and started walking back one step at a time ''Well, I guess you'll have to chose.'' he stated and threw his gun at Monte causing him to block it moving his arm's up and saw Davis open the door before opening his arms letting the dead inside. Monte ran back and into the room where the woman was and shut the door and looked around before grabbing the bookshelf and pulled it infront of the door stepping back looking at it ''Hey.'' the woman asked, Monte held his hand up shushing her and looked to the door shaking, she could see his hands shaking.

''What's your name?'' she asked, Monte turned and looked back to her ''Monte.'' he stated and turned back pressing his hand to the book shelf listeneing ''Your's?'' he asked glancing back to her before focusing on the dead outside the door ''Jennifer, this is Hugo.'' Monte nodded and looked to Alex and the twins ''I'm guessing you know these three?'' she smiled and nodded ''Jonathan introduced them.'' she stated, Monte smiled thinking about him knowing Jon had to of gotten out, he turned and leaned against the bookshelf seeing it was the only thing keeping the dead from getting inside ''What happened?'' she asked wanting to know what was going on outside ''Bombs, at the other two gates... Davis told me what happened in New York, I'd like a second opinon.'' he stated looking to her, Jennifer thought about it ''Those poor soldiers, ambushed by Davis and the idiots that didn't believe they were there to help, then that broadcast came out and I just...'' she looked down holding her son close to her ''They took the broadcast to mean it had been going out for hours before they ambushed, so they thought the military were gathering people to exicute them.'' she added looking to Monte, he nodded ''Yeah, some of the military might've listened but... I don't think they should've killed them.'' Monte stated feeling back for the soldiers.

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