Chapter fifty nine: The Argument

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Carson came into the room Amber and Tim were staying and handed them two can's of food seeing them just sitting there, Carson turned setting his backpack on the dresser and opened the drawers ''Are we leaving?'' Amber asked, Carson turned and looked at them shocked before changing to confused ''Why would you think we're leaving?'' he asked and shut the drawer moving to the next one ''That's what Shawn said.'' Timothy explained, Carson turned and looked at him ''What do you mean?'' he asked confused, Tim looked to him ''Last night, Shawn was saying how we'll be going again in the morning, and added that we should get sleep.'' he explained holding the can of peaches, Carson turned and sighed before walking out of the room, Amber watched him leave then looked at Tim before they both got up, Carson knocked on Shawn's door and waited a minute before he answered ''Yes?'' Shawn asked ''Why did you tell Amber and Tim we're leaving today?'' he asked getting straight to the point having his hands on his hip's, Shawn glanced over to Amber and Tim before seeing them go back in the room.

Shawn looked at him ''Becasue we are.'' Carson looked at him ''I thought I made myself clear when I said I was in charge?'' he questioned and tilted his head a bit, Shawn moved his hands crossing them over his chest ''You did, but if you think it's a good idea to stay in this area you shouldn't be.'' Carson glared up at Shawn ''We aren't leaving because there's no reason to leave, we have three kids with us, they can't run for as long as we can.'' Shawn nodded ''Yeah, and their pigs, children eat more then adults.'' Carson bit his tongue ''And Marc isn't?'' Shawn looked at him ''That's an officer your talking about, a respected one-'' ''He was a respected officer before outbreak day, right now he's just a guy with a gun.'' Carson stated and turned walking away, Shawn stepped out seeing Carson go down stairs and walked to Tim and Amber's room pushing the door open seeing the two back away fast ''Not only do you have big mouth's but now your eaves dropping?'' he asked looking down to them before stepping into the room shutting the door behind him, Tim and Amber moved back as Shawn turned and crossed his arm's over his chest.

''Who gave you those?'' he asked seeing the can's of food on the bed ''Carson.'' Amber stated looking to him, Timothy held his arm across his body holding his arm to his side, Shawn looked at him ''Do you know what kind of strain you put on this group?'' he asked looking at them, Amber looked to Tim before looking back to Shawn ''We aren't.'' Shawn shook his head ''You are, when we go out and risk our lives to get food, we have to be out there for longer getting extra for you two, same with water, medical supplise.'' Shawn listed and looked at them before scoffing ''It's a waist if you ask me.'' he muttered turning around ''Your a strain.'' Tim whispered, Shawn froze hearing him and brought his hand back turning ''What was that?'' Tim looked to him feeling his heart beat in his throat ''Nothing.'' Shawn took a step forward and crouched looking at him, he glanced to Amber before looking to him ''Now I know why Evin never came back after the run.'' he stated and stood up leaving the room. He went down the hall and Amber looked to Tim seeing him shake a bit before his eye's got glossy, Amber reached for him but Tim ran out of the room and down the hall, Amber went out and chased after him.

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