Chapter sixty five: The Wounded

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Evin limped towards the front door's of the hospital seeing they weren't working and grabbed them pulling the door's apart before slipping inside throught them, he got up and moved over turning his light on and looked inside knowing this place would be crawling with walkers. He couldn't see anything so he pulled the door's open and slipped through again, he looked around before walking forward, he shinned the light around before going over to a board and looked at the different floors, he saw he was already in the ER so he turned and looked around before moving the light up seeing different sections, two arrows went left and two went right. Evin sighed and looked down seeing he was dripping blood and looked back seeing a slgiht tail of blood ''That's not good.'' he muttered, he turend hearing something fall and shinned the light in that direction ''I wish I had LJ.'' he looked around before looking back up to the sign's before turning and going to the ICU. When he got to the end of the hall and shinned it down the way where the ICU wasn't and saw work light's aimed at a tented off area with the 'Quarintine' above the door into the tented off area telling him how bad it got here in October.

Evin continued over to the tented off area and stopped before looking down seeing he stepped in blood, it was a bit sticky and looked brown, he lifted the light up and shinned it around before seeing that a body had been dragged, he limped to a door and pushed it open before shinning the light around seeing the body that had been dragged. Evin took his relover out and brought it up aimed at the body, waiting for it to move, he got closer and leaned forward pushing it's head with the relover seeing it slimp over to the left. He let out his breath and looked to the side seeing a note, he picked it up and turned hearing something but turned and contiued with the note 'Over run, nobody should go back there, ever since the military fucking left there's been nothing but infected people running around terrorising New York, all the paitents broke out and got me. Fucking Military.' Evin stood up and let go of the note letting it fall to the ground and looked at the guy ''Fucking idiot.'' he muttered and went back to the door limping out, he turned and raised his gun as someone else raised theres.

Evin then froze as his light shinned on him ''Monte?'' he lowered the gun shinning it to him, Monte lowered his gun and smiled ''You took on the lookout's alone?'' he asked and walked to him, Evin smiled and limped to him before reaching down holding his leg, Monte looked down and nodded ''Saw the trail from outside but... I didn't think it was that bad.'' he stated walking over with his light shinning to Evin's leg. Evin looked at him ''Gunshot wound, bullet's still inside.'' Evin stated, Monte's eye's widened ''Bet you wish Frank or LJ were here?'' Evin smiled ''Shut up and help me.'' he stated, Monte went over and Evin brought his arm over Monte's shoulder's letting him help him walk over to a seat. Monte sat him down and looked down the hall ''Is this place cleared?'' he asked looking around, Evin looked up at him ''I'm gonna guess no.'' he stated and looked down.

Monte nodded and looked back the way where Evin was ''I'm gonna look for stuff to help with your leg then um... We're going to head back to the place I'm staying at.'' he stated and turned going to the front desk hopping over and looked around seeing blood on the ground and looked around seeing this place had seen better days ''Why not just fix it here?'' he questioned looking at him, Monte looked over to him ''Uh, Alex and the twins are alone.'' he admitted and turned looking around, Evin thought about that ''What about the woman they kept saying you were with?'' he asked, Monte bit his lip and crouched grabbing a small medical box and looked inside. He stood up tossing the empty box ''She left in the night, with her son.'' he stated and walked around the desk and went to Evin ''Just watch the door and say or do something the warn me if those people get here.'' he stated and got up walking down the hall ''Monte.'' Evin called but he was already walking down the hall away from him, Evin looked down to his leg moving it slightly only to stop and grab the edge of the chair hard nearly digging his nails into it, he looked back down the hall hopping Monte knew what he was doing.

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