Chapter eighty: The Delayed

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LJ checked his watch standing at the window and looked around ''Something's wrong, they should be back by now.'' he stated and looked back at the girls, Aviana looked over to him ''Relax, Jon will be sure to get back here, they probably got cut off by a horde.'' LJ turned looking at the window again only being worried ''I should go look for them.'' Aviana went over to him and grabbed the straps of his bag ''No, if you go out there and don't come back what are we going to do? It's only us two, someone who learned recently how to shoot a pistol and a someone who's three months pregnant.'' LJ looked over to Vivian seeing her resting her head on the back of the couch in the corner ''Stay, we'll stay here over night, if they still aren't hear by morning, we'll go looking.'' she stated, LJ sighed and looked at the door before looking back to her nodding, Aviana smiled and took his hand pulling him over to where Vivian was sitting him down before turning to look over the stuff they had, LJ looked to Vivian seeing her holding her stomach.

''Are you feeling ok?'' Vivian opened her eye's and raised her head looking to him ''Yeah, I'm just trying to feel the baby.'' LJ smiled ''You won't be able to feel the baby until sometime next month.'' Vivian looked at him ''That is if animal pregnancy's are similar to human.'' Vivian smiled and pushed off the seat sitting up ''I'll take your word for it.'' Aviana walked over and sat down looking to her ''You are feeling ok though?'' Vivian smiled ''Yes, you guy's are so over protective.'' LJ smiled looking to Aviana who was just contently smiling ''Should we not be?'' LJ asked looking to her, Vivian looked to him ''I'm not saying that, it's just... I'm techincally a stranger.'' LJ looked at her confused ''Stranger? You aren't a stranger.'' he stated, Aviana shook her head ''Based on stories I've heard I'm more a stranger then you.'' LJ looked to Aviana ''Neither of you are strangers, not to me anyways.'' he stated shocked that they would think this. Aviana looked at him ''I showed up to a mall after being in a plane crash, you guys didn't need to let us inside.'' LJ looked at him and nodded ''But we did.'' he stated and looked to Vivian ''Jon and Monte didn't need to get you, Amber and Tim out of that situation, but they did.'' he stated looking to her.

''How did the group start?'' Vivian asked looking at him thinking of something to talk about while they waited, LJ thought back to outbreak day ''Well, uh, I was stuck on the highway in Calgary, well, freeway not highway...'' he looked down and thought about it smiling a bit ''Got in an accident on a bus, made it to a hospital with a woman named Annie and a woman named Miranda.'' he stated and looked over to his revolver sitting on the counter ''Annie gave me that revolver because she didn't feel like running.'' he stated and looked down before sitting up suddenly breathing in, Aviana saw him make a pained expression, he relaxed a bit ''Miranda died, uh... I think protecting Jon.'' he stated, Aviana looked at him seeing the name Miranda bothered him a bit. LJ shook his head and stood up ''But uh, started with me, ran into Monte at a safe zone, he saved me and Miranda before they could execute us in the zone, ran into Jon and Evin when Jonathan was injured, then we met Carson later.'' he explained fast getting past the story before walking off, Aviana watched him walk away while Vivian put her head back ''Wow.'' Aviana saw LJ place his hands on his sides up where his ribs were and got suspicious but turned back to Vivian wondering why he might be in pain.

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