Chapter fifty seven: The Forced Hands

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Connor looked around as he pulled Emma alone, he checked his watch seeing it was five in the morning, he went to the door about to knock but saw it was open already, he stopped Emma and took his knife out looking to her, she nodded and he pushed the door open while she helf held her pistol ready to shoot, Connor stepped inside hearing crying and looked around seeing the bodies of three men like the one's that killed Nikko, he looked over keeping Emma behind him and saw Bruce on his knee's crying over two other bodies and Aiden looking down at the bodies sad, Aiden looked up seeing a glimpes of someone come inside and smiled a bit running around Bruce and over to them, Bruce turned his head a bit before whipping his eye's, Aiden hugged Connor nearly knocking him over ''Hey.'' he pulled Aiden away and brought his hands up ''What happened?'' he signed, Aiden looked back to Bruce before raising his hands and started explaining, Emma looked at him then to Connor knowing he had more practice, talking to Aiden the most ''These guy's arrived, broke in through the door, me, Sara, Robbie and Kristina tried running.... But they had guns.'' Connor paused and looked over to the bodies only seeing two and looked back to Aiden.

Emma brought her hand up pressing the back of her hand to her mouth ''They shot Robbie and Kristina and got Sara in the leg, I got into the back before Bruce shot them. When the shooting died down I came out and saw Bruce had been knocked down by someone with a bat and they were dragging Sara outside.'' Connor brought his hand up and turned looking back to the door, Bruce limped to them and hugged Emma, Aiden turned Connor by pulling his shoulder, Aiden asked him something and Connor paused thinking about the question, he swallowed what sat in his throat and raised his hands ''These guy's showed up in a car... Truck, Nikko....'' he paused talking and signing beofre continuing ''They shot him..... I don't know where Mia went.'' he stated and lowered his hands, Bruce looked to Connor then to Emma ''We have to leave.'' he stated and turned limping towards his bag and looked down to Robbie and Kristina's covered bodies, before turning and limping back towards them, Emma grabbed his arm helping him walk, Connor looked to Aiden who nodded letting him know he'll follow.

They went to the door and left out the door, Connor looked down the street hearing something and saw a large crowd of walkers coming their way, he looked down the way they were going and pointed ''That bank's supposed to be clear, head there.'' he stated and turned to Aiden signing, he nodded and followed as Emma helped Bruce get a headstart. They started by crossing the street to get on the same side as the bank and continued, Emma and Bruce passed by a connecting street, they glanced down before looking fully seeing another large crowd that was much closer, Emma turned ''Connor I thought you said this area was clear.'' Connor got there with Aiden and looked down the street ''It's supposed to be.'' he stated and grabbed Aiden's hand pulling him along, they started running with Bruce limp running before feeling his knee pop out of place again and fell, Emma stoppped and looked as Bruce was on the ground and crouched ''Get up.'' she stated pulling on him ''Emma just go, get to the bank.'' Connor looked back before turning to Aiden, he looked around then faced him ''Get to the bank, keep your eye's on your surroundings.'' he signed, Aiden nodded and Connor ran back to help Emma.

Aiden turned and ran for the bank, he focused on getting to the bank's front door's, once there he turned and looked around on the street, he could see Connor pulling at Bruce's arms getting him on his feet and leading him towards the bank, Emma then left and ran over to Aiden. Emma got to him and started signing ''Get inside.'' he nodded and turned to the door while Emma turned back. Connor hand Bruce's arm around him and turned to his left letting go as a walker got to close, he brought his knife up and pushed it away before slicing at it's throat before stabbing it in the top of his head, Connor turned and grabbed Bruce seeing him shake his head ''Go.'' Connor looked at him ''What? No.'' he stated and pulled his arm's, Bruce smiled ''You need to look out for them.'' Connor looked at him as Bruce propped himself up on his good knee ''This knee's busted Connor, we're in an area that needs runners.'' Connor shook his head ''You can't just leave us alone.'' Bruce smiled ''You're helping an elder who isn't fit for this world Connor, those two need you, right now you are the most quallified to sign and she just lost someone who showed her love.'' Connor looked over seeing the two getting the bank door's open.

Bruce grabbed his arm getting him to look at him ''I have a feeling Lewis isn't around anymore, I don't know why I just got a feeling, Mia is missing and they need someone to get them out of this city, get them to the other's in the group.'' Connor shook his head shaking feeling anxious from the sudden athourtive charge ''I know you can.'' Bruce stated and reached down to his knee, Connor looked down the road seeing the two crowds of walkers merge and getting closer, Connor looked to him ''It's fine, I'm ok with this end.'' Bruce stated, Connor stepped back looking to him before turning away stepping away again and shook as he hurried to the bank door's. Emma ran out but Connor stopped her grabbing her as she got closer ''No, no one get's left behind, that was the rule!'' Emma yelled looking at Bruce while Connor struggled to pull her into the bank, he then pushed her inside and pulled the door shut as a walker got there, Emma got up and ran to the door but Connor stopped her again. She his his chest ''No, no, no!'' her hit's got weaker as she started hyper ventilating, Connor brought her to the ground holding her to his chest as she panting and shook.

Connor looked to the door seeing more walkers getting there ''We need to move.'' he said and signed, Aiden nodded, Connor pulled away and looked at her seeing her place a hand on her chest, Connor looked more carefully seeing the tears ''Are you asthmatic?'' Emma nodded slowly still panting and gasping, Connor looked around ''Fuck.'' he looked to her ''Ok, your fine, just... Try and calm down alright?'' he stated and reached for her jacket unzipping it, Emma hit his hands away ''You need to take off the tight clothes.'' Emma looked to him before taking her coat off, Aiden came back to them seeing her hyper ventilating, Emma pulled her shirt over her now only having a white tank top on ''Just focus on breahting in...'' he breathed in with her then breathed out ''And out.'' he stated and got up looking at the door's, seeing them all crowd outside. Aiden saw how many there were and looked around for a second entrance but, there was none.

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