Chapter forty five: The Course

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Evin moved down the road holding the shotgun having extra ammo for it, he stopped walking hearing a shot ahead of him and moved to the sidewalk jumping in through a broken window of a store crouching down behind the small wall and peeked over hearing a truck coming his way, he ducked behind it as it came to a stop ''What was that?'' someone asked getting out of the truck ''Probably one of the one's that got out, or a walker, search these, got news that there's one going solo around here.'' Evin rolled his eye's and looked into the store seeing it was mostly empty, he listened carefully before peeking his head over the small wall seeing one of them going into the store next to him, he looked over to the truck they were driving and smiled seeing it was perfect for his journey. He sighed and hid behind the wall, he only heard two get out of the truck so he peeked over again seeing a third standing in the back of the truck looking around ''Smart.'' he whispered and turned going into the store more, he paused as he stepped on broken glass and looked back seeing they didn't hear.

He moved around all the broken glass before moving to the back of the store and got up getting behind the desk and moved into the back room, he looked around seeing it was just a small office ''Fuck.'' he looked around and saw a empty glass bottle, he went over and picked it up getting an idea and smiled going back to the door, he peeked out before moving out and crouched moving back to the front window. He looked over seeing the guy standing in the back still and looked over to where he wanted the guy to look before aiming and throwing the bottle past him, it landed, smashing near the alley. The guy turned aiming the gun, he hopped out of the truck and Evin looked down the street seeing the other didn't come out, he hopped out the store and moved down the street staying crouched, he jumped into the store he was in pulling his dagger out and stabbed him in the throat getting it all the way through, he pulled it out and caught him before he hit the table in the room.

Evin laid him down and moved back to the window looking out, he hopped out before the guy from the truck turned and headed back to the said truck, he moved around a car and looked over seeing the guy going back to the truck before jumping up into it, Evin moved around the car and ran over jumping up and held the dagger to his neck ''Shut it.'' he stated, the guy dropped his gun as Evin covered his mouth ''You got a map?'' he asked pressing the dagger to his neck, Evin looked over to the store where the third guy was, the guy nodded his head then pointed to the inside of the car ''Thank you.'' he stated and moved the dagger out truning it and stabbing the guy right in the neck. He turned and pushed the guy off the back of the truck before jumping down and put the back up moving around ''Trevor, what- Hey.'' Evin ducked and brought the shotgun around wanting to use it and waited a bit before moving out bringing it out shooting him in the face, the guy's body flew back a bit landing on the ground.

Evin walked over and looked down at him before crouching down as the blood sepped into the snow, he checked his body taking key's out and got up walking back getting into the truck. He laid the shot gun on the passengers seat before turning and saw a duffle bag, he reached back and pulled it over a bit before twisting and unzipped it, he moved some stuff around before realizing this was there stuff, he took out a stuffed animal that belonged to Amber and put it to the side before looking through it some more taking out a revolver, he turned back and took his pistol out looking at the two before shrugging and set the revolver on the passengers seat, he glanced out the front window before turning then stopped looking back seeing walkers making their way slowly down the street. He turned and looked through more and found the folded up map and put it with the shotgun and revolver before starting the truck up and backed up turning the truck around then started driving down the street.

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