Chapter twenty two: The Scared

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Carson got his shoes on and opened the front door but turned feeling eye's and saw Timothy standing with Neptune at the stairs ''Hey.'' he stated and shut the door ''Stay.'' he asked, Carson could see he was scared, almost shaking. Carson looked to the door then sighed smiling a bit then turned nodding taking the shoes off, Neptune's tail wagged as Carson walked over to them, he sat down on the stairs sitting down with Timothy ''Where's Evin, and Connor?'' he asked looking to Carson, he thought ''Well, Connor is with Mia, Emma and the deaf teenager Aiden.'' he explaine so Timothy understood about Aiden ''And Evin is with Jon and Monte.'' he stated and looked at Tim who nodded ''Alright, are... are they ok?'' he asked looking to Carson, he smiled ''I'm sure they're alright.'' he said and leaned forward petting Neptune who laid down on the floor infront of the step's.

Connor went to the front looking out the window ''What is it?'' Mia asked signing for Emma who was still sitting with them ''I'm... I don't know.'' Connor stated and turned looking over to them, he walked over thinking about the signing for it ''Uh, I don't know.'' he stated and waited, Mia smiled ''Close.'' she stated and looked to Aiden who smiled knowing it was a learning experience, Connor turned remembering that Evin was at Jon's house, and turned sitting with Emma, Aiden reached over taking a sentence out of the hat Mia had made and turned to them holding it up showing them, Emma looked at the paper Mia made them and nodded turning to Aiden ''How are you?'' she tried signing, Mia smiled ''You just asked, why are you.'' she stated, Emma looked to the sheet ''Oh, uh, whoops.'' she stated, Aiden smiled liking this lesson, he turned to Mia and asked what time is it. Mia looked to the clock on the wall and turned back to him ''Eleven ten.'' she stated signing, Aiden looked to them ''Were you born deaf?'' Connor tried signing looking at the sheet, Aiden smiled shook his head understanding Connor, he looked to Mia ''You got it right.'' she stated, Aiden then started signing knowing Mia would translate everything.

Mia watched as he signed ''I lost my hearing when I was a baby, a car crash, my ear drumb's burst and it caused perminte hearing loss.'' Mia translated and looked at the two before looking back to Aiden ''It was mainly whiplash that caused it, at first the doctor said it could be temporary but my hearing never came back.'' Mia added and looked to them, Connor turned to Emma then looked to Aiden, Emma looked at the sheets ''How old were you?'' she signed and looked to Mia who then looked to Aiden, he looked to Mia ''How old were you?'' she asked again, Aiden nodded and turned to Emma signing ''I was five years old.'' Mia spoke for him and turned to them, Connor looked to the sheet's ''What sounds do you remember?'' he asked and looked to Aiden, he looked to Mia who repeated the question, Aiden nodded and thought about it ''Cat's meowing, we had three, trains there was one that would go by my house, and not much, I don't remember my mom's voice.'' Mia spoke for him again and turned to them, Connor looked down then at the sheet, Emma thought of more quesitons but thought about how he might not wanna talk about it.

Amber went down the stairs seeing she was alone, she went to the front door and stepped out onto the porch looking down the street wondering where they were, wondering what the loud bang was beyond the gate. She went inside and took her coat off the rack and got her shoes on before stepping out and shut the door before walking down to the street towards where she new Vivian was remembering her say something about visiting Aviana at the medcial tent. Evin climbed into the truck seeing Roy already there, and he started driving knowing the other's were in the back, he drove the truck out the front gates. 

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