Chapter fourteen: The Crazy Campers

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Timothy ran around the large feild while Amber and Samantha ran with him, Amber's big brother Randel ran after them, playing a game of tag while they all waited for the grownups to start the barbacue. The three running from Randel ran into the woods, splitting off in all directions, Timothy jumped over a fallen tree and moved through the tree's smiling. He moved aorund a couple of rocks before crouching and hidding in a bush moving himself up a bit looking for Randel throught the thin branches and leaves. Tim heard as Randel ran past him looking for them ''Guy's, we shouldn't be in the woods.'' he called out Timothy smiled seeing how close he was to Randel without him seeing, Randel looked around before moving back signing and went to the edge of the trees. Randel turned and looked back at the tree's ''Amber, Sam... Timothy?!'' he called and looked around seeing the two girls come back and looked into the tree's ''Tim.'' he called out again and moved close ''Randel!'' he turned hearing his mom call for him, Amber and Samantha ran over knowing why she was calling and Randel looked back into the woods ''Timothy.'' he called and headed into the trees.

Randel moved through the tree's and looked around ''Tim, the food's ready, come out.'' he called and looked around seeing Timothy leaving a bush and walked over ruffling his hair before grabbing his shoulders moving him in front of him as they walked back, Randel's mother was standing out of the tree's as they left ''You boy's are gonna get dirty before we can even stay the night.'' she stated licking her thumb before reaching to Randel, he stopped her ''I'll bathe in a swimsuit in the lake.'' he stated and moved Timothy up the hill, his mom smiled and followed after them. They kept going before stopping outside the large lodge ''Why don't we eat inside?'' Randel asked stopping next to his dad ''It's nice out, for November in Canada we should enjoy the outdoors without snow.'' he stated and turned seeing his wife.

Timothy walked over and stood next to his dad as he held a paper plate with a bun before getting one of the hotdog's off the serving tray ''Attention, all your workers.'' he looked over while Timothy reached up taking the plate, his dad looked down before taking it and placing it on the table before turning Timothy holding his shoulders ''I wanted to thank you all for coming out this early before summer, getting this place ready for opening this year is important to me and my wife. Camp Sunset will have all your names in placts on the inside of this main lodge here, everyone who comes will be able to see who made this place come to life, now please enjoy the food.'' Roger Mills stated, speaking to everyone there, Timothy knew him as Mr. Mills, him and his wife, Mrs. Silvia Mills and their three kids, Tobey was the oldest, and their twin girls Angelina and Claudia. Timothy looked up at his dad not turning around ''Can we eat?'' he whispered, his father looked down and smiled nodding, Tim smiled and brought his head back down moving past his father picking up a plate seeing other's coming over to the table.

Once Timothy had his food his father lead him over so they could sit on the wooden bench, Amber headed to the table while Vivian wondered over picking up a plate ''Hey, have we met?'' she asked friendly, Amber looked up to her and shook her head ''I'm Vivian, you can call me Vi.'' she stated holding her hand out, Amber reached out shaking her hand ''Amber, that's my brother, Randel.'' she stated and pointed over to her older brother, Vivian smiled and looked back to Amber ''And that's my friend Timothy, he has a sister, Samantha.'' she stated and turned back making her hotdog ''How old are you?'' she asked, Amber smiled ''Twelve.'' she stated and looked up to Vivian ''How old are you?'' she asked as Randel came over ''Amber, that's rude.'' he stated and looked to Vivian ''I'm sorry about that.'' he stated, Vivian smiled ''It's alright, I'm twenty three.'' Amber smiled ''That's old.'' Randel looked down to her ''Where have your manors gone?'' he asked and looked back to Amber ''I'm Randel.'' he stated holding his hand out, Vivian smiled shaking it while introducing herself.

''He's nineteen.'' Amber stated and moved down the table getting the salad that was there, Vivian smiled and looked to him ''It's alright really, I was expecting the question to come since I asked her.'' she explained, Randel smiled and looked over to Amber ''I just assumed she was asking out of the blue.'' Vivian shook her head ''It's alright, I asure you.'' she stated and glanced over to Timothy seeing who must've been his sister, she looked around then looked back, Randel looked over then back to her ''Something wrong?'' he asked, Vivian looked back to him and smiled before looking back to the three ''I'm just... Wondering where their mother is.'' Randel nodded and looked over to the three ''She passed last year.'' Vivian looked to him ''Oh, could I ask how?'' Randle looked to her ''Cancer.'' he stated and reached behind her picking up a paper plate ''Tim and Sam have been taking it well.'' he explained while Vivian looked to them and nodded walking over to them.

As she was on her way to speak with them she looked over hearing a scream, she turned and headed in the way of the scream, as she got closer she saw Tobey, the boy who seemed ill when arriving bitting into the arm of one of his little sisters, she got her arm away falling back while Tobey looked at her, rage in his eye's but at the same time they looked dead, Tobey then looked over to Vivian, she could only see hunger in his eye's, hunger, rage, and nothingness. Vivian moved back fast tripping over her own feet as Tobey moved over to her, Vivian got up and turned seeing Amber's mother get grabbed by one of the other parents, they bit into her neck ripping a chunk out of it, Tim's father grabbed Tim and Sam before running them away from what was happening, Vivian turned and moved back seeing Tobey finally caught up with her, she moved back before turning and ran over to where Tim's father had brought him, she looked back seeing Randel pulling Amber by her hand causing her to drop her plate on the grass. She went into the cabin Tim's father went inside while Randel and Amber got there, Tim's father shut the door and looked around before pulling one of the bunkbeds over leaving it infront of the door, as he did so they looked to the side as one of the window's smashed.

Vivian pulled Samantha, Tim and Amber away while Timothy's father grabbed the broom in the room and walked over shoving it into the thing's face pushing it back, the thing that use to be Tobey grabbed the broom pulling on it while reaching for Tim's father at the end, Randel moved away until his back hit the wall while he held his hands over his ears hearing the screams of eveyrone outside, Timothy's dad let go ot the broom and moved back using his body to guard Vivian and the kids while Tobey tried climbing in but the bars making a cross in the window stopped him from entering more, Tim's father turned seeing some of the thing's walk by some stopping at the front door, they knew they were inside. Tim's father turned looking to Randel ''Come here.'' he stated waving for him to walk to them, he could see Randel was panicking and walked over grabbing Randel's shoulder's ''Relax, we're alright.'' he stated, as he said this another window broke causing the little girl's scream, Tim's father moved away from Randel seeing the thing's trying to get inside and looked up seeing the small hatch, he looked around grabbing a bucket before flipping it over and stood on it as another window smashed, he opened the hatch and stepped down ''Go.'' he stated, Vivian moved over and got on the bucket before reaching up and pulled herself up, once she was up she heard something else break that wasn't a window.

Timothy's father looked over seeing Tobey was getting inside, he grabbed Timothy before getting on the bucket and lifted him up, Vivian grabbed his hands pulling him up before getting a better grip of him, Tim's father looked over seeing Tobey get up and grabbed Amber who was closest and lifted her up ''Dad!'' he looked down seeing Tobey got Samantha in his hands, Tim's father let go and Vivian grabbed her pulling her up. She heard Samantha scream before her father could get to her. He pushed Tobey away from her as one of the other people got inside the cabin as well ''Randel go up.'' he yelled and saw Randel was to busy panicking, he turned and looked to his daughter seeing her arm bleeding out perfusley, he went to her picking her up but looked around seeing three of them coming for him, Vivian looked down into the room seeing them getting cornered and froze, she moved back away from the hatch seeing Timothy going for it, Vivian moved back and grabbed the hatch shutting it as she heard screams from below them.

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