Chapter twenty one: The Protectors

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Lewis looked down the street near the front gate where the explosion came from then turned looking to the front door he was standing in front of ''Lewis?'' Veronica asked and Lewis forgot the loud explosion seeing Veronica's black eye ''What happened?'' he asked stepping forward, Veronica thought and went to shut the door but Lewis stopped her pushing himself inside ''No, you can't be here.'' she stated, Lewis looked around seeing Theodore go into the living room from the kitchen ''You.'' he went over and Veronica followed ''Lewis please, just go.'' she stated grabbing his arm trying to stop him, Lewis lightly removed her arm and turned to him ''You beating up your wife?'' he stated going to him, Theo flicked his ciggerette away ''I think you should listen to her.'' he stated and looked to Veronica ''I think you should be more careful about who you hit.'' Lewis stated, Theo looked to Lewis ''Is that a threat?'' Tabitha came down stairs and stood next to her mother seeing Lewis was there.

''You beat your kids as well?'' Lewis stated remembering seeing the two girls ''Why do you care? They aren't your family.'' Theo stated setting his glass down on the bookshelf ''I care because their human, and because I'm done seeing people suffer in this appocalypse.'' Lewis stated, Theo smiled ''I have never touched my wife with my fist.'' Veronica looked to him then moved Tabitha behind her ''Liar.'' Theo looked to her and Lewis smiled ''Seem's she doesn't agree.'' Theo looked to Lewis ''Tough guy.'' Tabitha looked to him ''Tougher then you.'' she commented, Theo looked over to her ''I'll take this up with you two after I'm done with, you.'' he stated, Lewis stared at him ''Veronica, take the girls out of here.'' he stated, Veronica moved Tabitha towards the door's before running up the stairs, Theo smiled bringing his hands up in fist's ''You never should've come to this zone.'' Lewis brought his fist's up when Veronica ran back down holding Patrica's hand and Tabitha ran out with them shutting the door behind her.

Lewis ducked when Theo swung at him then tackled him, Theo was a tall guy, around the same height as Lewis if not a head smaller so Lewis found it easy to take him down, once he was on top he held his right hand to the ground bringing his fist down hitting the ground beside Theo's head, Theo kicked Lewis off him causing him to hit the ground, Theo got up and grabbed a lamp swinging it as Lewis pushed off the ground hitting him with the metal pole ''You ever think Veronica and those brats deserved it, all of it.'' Lewis moved to him taking his leg's out ramming him into the book shelf knocking his glass over ''Nobody deserves to be beaten up.'' Lewis stated before picking Theo up and spun before tossing him to the front window, it smashed as Theo flew out, he hit the porch and Lewis walked over looking out the window at Theo who panted rolling over onto his stomach, Lewis looked past him seeing Evin walking over ''Meet by the gate, we're heading out to see what the explosion was.'' he stated and looked to Theo ''Don't kill people.'' he added and turned walking down the road more.

Lewis jumped out the window before grabbing Theo's jacket pulling him up and pressed him on the railing ''I think it'll do you good to come on the run, prove that I shouldn't bash your skull in.'' Lewis stated and moved him back fast and he hit the wall under the broken window landing on the glass ''Fine.... You can have the bitch.'' Lewis stopped, his fist's clenched and turned looking back to him seeing Theo using the wall and window sill to lift himself up ''Never wanted to marry her, then it was kids.'' he stated, Lewis walked over taking his switch blade out and went over holding it to Theo's throat pressing him to the wall ''I swear on my brother's grave that you will regret the next time you hit any of those girls, you're lucky I don't bring you the officers in this zone, don't give me a reason.'' he stated and grabbed Theo's jacket pulling him to the sidewalk and down the street towards the front gate to explain everything to Roy and the others.

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