Chapter twenty five: The Survivours

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Jonathan got in the car while Frank got in with Ivan putting him in a car seat and LJ got Aviana in, Shawn got in the other car across from them while the other's got into his, LJ climbed into the car with Jon while Heather ran over getting in with them shutting the door. Jonathan looked over to where Monte went seeing the horde was getting closer to them, LJ leaned forward knowing why he was worried ''Hey, he'll be fine, same with Alex and the twins, Monte's smart.'' Jon turned and looked to him beofre nodding thinking about it and turned forward seeing Shawn drive out of the zone first getting down the road fast, Jonathan started driving leaving the zone after Shawn's car, LJ moved back and sat looking to Aviana ''Is your leg alright?'' he asked while Vivian held Aivana's left leg that was in the cast on her lap ''Yeah, it's fine.'' she stated and looked to him, LJ smiled and turned back buckling up ''Were those bombs, did we get confirmation from Evin and Roy?'' Frank shook his head ''I didn't have the walkie talkie on me, to busy with Ivan.'' he stated being in the passengers seat, Heather looked to Ivan and looked to LJ who turned to him seeing Ivan was breathing clearly now.

Bruce ran down the hall and looked into the class seeing Sara hiding behind the desk's with Nikko and two of teens that were new to the camp, Sara got up ''What's going on, are we under attack?'' she asked, Nikko got up ''I'm sure it was just... The dead hitting mines, right?'' Nikko asked and looked to Bruce ''Look, we need to leave alright, the gate's are down and the dead are spilling into the zone, I don't wanna freak you out but we need to get out of here he stated and went to the hall looking down seeing them walking down and turned ''Now, come on.'' he stated waving for them to follow him, Nikko ran over and Sara followed, Bruce looked to the girl and boy still sitting there ''Come on.'' he stated the two got up and ran over joining them, Bruce led them down the hall so they could leave out the back doors, he opened them and looked around before letting the teenagers leave first and followed after as they ran away from the front of the zone, Nikko looked around corner of the buildings in the area and looked back to the one's with him.

Mia lead the three towards the front gates seeing cars leaving and turned to them ''Can you all run?'' she asked signing, Emma and Connor nodded Aiden nodded after wards, Mia turned and looked to the gate ''The car by the gate, that's were we run to.'' she sighed, they nodded and Mia turned looking around before waving for them to run, Bruce looked around seeing Mia for a split second and stopped the teen's walking over and looked to where they were running ''The front gate, we can leave that way.'' he stated and looked back to them, they nodded ''Just need to make a run for it.'' Nikko stated and looked to them, the other's nodded and Bruce looked over ''Alright, we'll run for it.'' he stated and turned as they got ready, he looked over seeing the dead making their way down the road, he turned looking to them before running with them, the ran infront of the houses and back the way they came.

They crossed the street and got over to the front getting there with Mia, Connor, Emma and Aiden ''Hey.'' Bruce stated smiling ''I knew I saw you.'' Bruce stated, Mia nodded and turned motioning them to the car ''We're getting out of here, come on.'' she stated running over, the teen's with Bruce ran over with them, Mia got in the front seat while Bruce ran around getting in the passengers seat while the teen's climbed into the back ''Where's Tina?'' Connor asked buckling up, Sara shook her head buckling up with shaking hands. Nikko turned to Connor ''We lost sight of here when going inside the school area, don't know where she went.'' he explained buckling up, Emma turned to the two new kids knowing their names, the girl was Kristina and the boy was her brother Robbie. Emma didn't know the two very well so she knew it would probably be a quiet ride, Mia backed up before driving through the front gates leaving.

Jonathan saw that Shawn was driving fast to get as far away from the camp as possible which he could understand, Jon got a bad feeling and slowed the car down just before a dump truck sped out from a street and Jon slammed on the breaks, he turned around backing the car up seeing a second dump truck and turned forward ''Hang on.'' he stated and turned the car onto an empty street and started driving away from the ambush that was set up ''Where are all these people coming from?'' Frank questioned and looked in the rearview mirror, Jonathan shook his head ''I don't know, I just know we need to head towards the smoke, that's were Evin and the other's went.'' Jonathan stated wanting to get Evin and them before going back and seeing if Monte got out alright, worried about to many thing's to pick just one, Frank understood his worry and looked forward at the roads keeping his eye's out for anything to happen.

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