Chapter fifty four: The Infested Building

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Vivian backed away from the edge of the bridge and looked back the way they came hearing them coming over, she turned and went to the cars holding her stomach and sat on the concrete barriers and moved her leg's over before moving down them leaning on them and waited hearing them getting closer, she looked down and held her stomach thinking about Ivan who was still in the car when it went over ''Did I hear a baby?'' a woman asked as they got closer, Vivian peeked over seeing them stop where the car went over and looked down, then the one with the sniper aimed down towards the water ''I'm seeing four people, two concious and two unconcious, no baby in sig- Wait... Shit.'' the woman took the sniper from him and aimed down at them while the guy turned covering his face with his hands ''That's a small wrapped up blanket Tommy, a baby sized blanket.'' the man named Tommy turned taking the sniper ''I know, there's no way it survivied and that will be on our concious and bla bla bla, right now we should be worring on weather or now they'll want to get revenge.'' he stated and headed back towards the truck, Vivian ducked as the woman turned in her direction.

Everything was quiet making Vivian worried but she then heard the woman walk away, Vivian waited a bit before looking back over seeing they were gone, she then got up and started walking around the cars on the other side of the bridge and went in the direction they would've gone or that she was hopping they went. Vivian had nothing but her baby and the clothes on her back, she heard the truck start and looked back before crouching down behind a car and waited hearing the car come closer, she turned and sat down making her self get close to the car moving sideways hearing the truck drive by her telling her the other's were on the side of the bridge she was heading to but saw they would get to them before her. Vivian waited a bit for the truck to be further down the bridge before getting up and took her blouse off tossing it to the side having only a tank top on now and started walking down the road.

Jonathan pulled Aviana out of the water and looked over seeing the truck on their way over ''Fuck.'' he got up and ripped his soaked jacket off having only a t-shirt on now, LJ placed Ivan's body on the pavement before Jon walked over getting Frank out, Jon looked to Ivan's wrapped up body and looked to the truck ''We need to run.'' he stated and helped LJ out of the water turning to Aviana holding her face before feeling for a pulse ''Of course.'' he muttered and got on his knee's leaning over her holding his hands together before starting CPR seeing she probably didn't get a chance to catch breathe before hitting the water, LJ saw this was the case and looked to Frank before leaning over checking for a pulse, he then sat Frank up being able to feel a slight pulse, Jon leaned over her plugging her nose blowing air in threw her mouth ''Come on.'' he stated, his hands still shaking as he pressed, he looked up seeing the truck getting closer ''Fuck.'' he turned seeing they didn't have any of their things, he reached behind him feeling he had his pistol on him ''LJ, you need to contiune the CPR.'' he stated and got up checking his magazine ''But, Frank-'' ''Now LJ, she slip into a coma then die.'' Jonathan stated and aimed his gun as the truck got closer.

LJ laid Frank down moving over to Aviana and kept doing chest compressions, Jonathan glanced to Ivan then looked over to a building that he could clearly see infected inside ''LJ, follow me.'' he stated and went over picking Aviana up, LJ moved his hands seeing him go up the step's ''You insane?'' Jon turned looking back at him, LJ turned and saw Ivan and Frank. He took his bomber jacket off and wrapped Ivan's body before putting the tied sleeves over his shoulder before picking Frank up bridal style and ran up the step's, he ducked as they tried shooting at him, Jon pushed the door open and turned shooting with his arm under Aviana's arm, the zombie he shot fell forwards as he slipped past two other's that tried grabbing him, he saw there were about five on his floor not counting the one he killed, he laid Aviana on the counter of the desk as LJ got inside, he set Frank down and laid Ivan down before turning and grabbed a chair tipping it over and kicked one of the leg's off, he picked it up and flipped it so the jagged edge would stab the zombie. He pulled it away and turned crouching and spinning with his leg out tripping a zombie before getting up and stomping it's head in, Jon turned shooting one of them letting LJ get the two and running over.

LJ went up the stairs while Jon turned picking Aviana up running up after him ''We'll get stuck in here.'' LJ stated concerned putting Frank down again and looked around for another weapon ''We just need to get distance between us and them.'' Jon stated lowering Aviana's leg's bringing his hand back up shooting twice more at the two walkers behind the one that was to close letting LJ stab it with the chair leg seeing it get stuck as it fell over, Jon moved past LJ picking Aviana's leg's up moving to the next floor, LJ sighed and followed him up getting Frank. Jon got to the next floor seeing there were two many and looked around seeign a cleaners elevator out the window, he lowered her leg's and put his gun away grabbing a chair and sat Aviana down before going over and looked at the different thing's that could be used to break the glass. LJ got there and looked around ''You are insane.'' Jon rolled his eye's and looked over to him ''This isn't that bad.'' he stated seeing the walkers coming for them and grabbed a computer ripping it from the desk, he dropped it and moved over getting his knife out and started cutting the thick wire, LJ held Frank not sure what Jon was doing ''Do you have a plan?'' LJ asked looking over to him, Jonathan nodded getting threw the wire and turned throwing it at the window, it cracked and he looked at it panting ''Fuck.'' he looked around grabbing a potted plant and grabbed the plant feeling it was plastic and lifted it up seeing the bottom was fack dirt but it was heavy.

He looked to the window before grabbing the plastic plant before walking over and swung the plant so the bottom hit the glass cracking it more, LJ looked around before setting Frank down and grabbed a plant like Jon did and went over swinging it to hit the glass as well, Frank slowly came to and saw the walkers and backed up hitting Aviana's chair, LJ looked back seeing Aviana fall over and saw her hit her head, he dropped the plant and ran over turning her over seeing it would've only left a bruise and looked to Frank ''Do you have a gun?'' Frank looked at him seeing Aviana and saw Jon swing the bottom of a plant to the window, Jon reached behind him and looked over seeing the walkers getting closer, he took the pistol out and went over ''Continue.'' he stated dropping the plant. LJ watched as Jon raised the gun shooting a walker before it got to close to Frank, he grabbed the chair Aviana was on and swung it hitting two walkers over and saw the rest coming and aimed the gun hearing it click and tossed it to the side ''Be fast LJ.'' he stated looking at them coming bringing his fist's up.

LJ turned running to the glass, Frank moved over looking to Aviana ''Do CPR Frank if you can.'' Frank nodded and took his jacket off tossing it before putting his hands together, Jon turned to the stairs hearing gun shots on the lower floor. He brought his focus back to the walkers on this floor before looking around and grabbed a trash can and brought his knife out, he headed to the steps before hitting his knife against the metal bin. He saw them mostly coming towards him and nodded ''Frank, watch your back.'' he turned seeing stragglers not going for Jon and got up pulling Aviana towards LJ before continuing CPR looking back once in a while to make sure they weren't getting closer to them. Jon hit it loader ''Hey, this way you fucks.'' he stated and hit the wall with the can seeing that drew them in more, he looked over seeing the people following them, he looked to the horde on this floor and threw the can over the edge hitting one causing the one behind them to fall back ''This way!'' he yelled and looked down the step's, once they were coming down more and they were coming up, Jon looked to his right slipping into a small closet and shut the door holding it tightly letting the horde pass by.

Aviana gasped for air and sat up fast, Frank helped her sit up and blocked them both from the glass smashing, LJ turned seeing a walker reach for the two so he swing the plant back towards them hitting it, LJ moved over getting the two up and moved them out onto the cleaners elevator and looked back hearing shooting from downstairs ''Jon?'' he called not seeing him in the horde, but saw them coming for them so he turned and got the cleaner elevator moving, Frank went to the other side and started moving it while Aviana watched the walkers get close before being left behind on the lower floor.

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