Chapter eighty four: The Land

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Monte tossed the rope over the small post and looked at where they were before turning seeing Evin getting his stuff ready, he crouched infront of Alex ''You stick close to us, ok?'' Alexander nodded, Monte got up checked Elizabeth who was strapped to his chest while Evin got up picking up his crutch and his backpack putting it on before picking up Benjamin's basket, Monte went over and turned taking Ben from Evin and reached over setting Ben on the dock before moving over the side of the boat landing on the dock and turned while Alex approched the edge and climbed onto the seat reaching for Monte to move him over, he set Alex down before turning back to Evin as he moved his leg's over, Monte helped him get to the dock and turned looking towards the buildings ''No welcoming party, good sign right?'' Evin asked and looked to Monte, he nodded looking around ''Keep your eye's open.'' he stated and looked to Alex before reaching into the boat taking the duffle bag out and his ritfle.

Monte looked around seeing other boats parked in the docks and looked at Evin who was looking at the building's near the water front ''Come on.'' he stated and started walking reaching his hand down letting Alex hold it, Evin looked down to Ben's basket picking him up and started limping after Monte. Monte got to the end of the dock and looked around before seeing a car and turned looking at Evin as he got there, Monte lead Alexander to the car and let go of his hand and tried the door seeing it was locked, he looked down to Alex then turned as Evin got to there ''You could smash the window?'' he stated looking at the car, Monte looked around ''Could have an alarm, bring the dead on us.'' Evin looked around not seeing much movement anywhere ''I think we'll be fine.'' he stated and stepped back, Monte looked down to Alex ''Step back Shīzi.'' Monte stated, Alex turned going to Evin and stood next to him while Monte moved Elizabeth's head away while he turned her away from the window, he brought his ritfle up and hit the glass with the stock of the ritfle smashing the window.

He turned and cleared the rest of the glass before reaching inside and unlocked it moving the door open as the alarm blared, he leaned inside reaching over the seats unlocking the driver's side before moving around the car and got inside, he took Elizabeth off his chest and looked to Evin as he got inside, he set the basket on his lap and took Elizabeth while Alex stood outside, Monte reached under pulling the wire's out, Evin looked around before motionting for Alex to get closer to the car, Alexander did as asked getting closer, Evin looked to the glass he was sitting on knowing jacket that was around his wasit would keep the glass from cutting him. Monte stopped the alarm and looked around seeing that there were no zombies coming to them and looked at Evin ''Quiet.'' Evin stated seeing Monte looked worried, he nodded and looked around ''I don't like it.'' he stated and got out unlocking the rest of the door's and took Elizabeth from Evin before opening the back and looked in the back seeing there wasn't a car seat and looked to him ''You think they'll fit in the same seat?'' Evin asked looking back at him, Monte looked at the twins and shook his head ''They've grown in the two months, they'll be to squished.'' he stated and laid Elizabeth down on the seat, Evin got out of the car setting Ben's basket on the seat with the glass and turned to Alex having all his weight on his left leg ''Stay at the car ok, don't touch the glass.'' he stated and looked around seeing other car's in the parking lot and grabbed his crutch going to the other cars, he looked inside the car's looking for both a car seat for Alex and a car seat for Elizabeth knowing it was a bit far fetched.

Monte took Elizabeth out of the sling and brought the duffle bag forward putting it behind the driver's seat putting the sling inside, he turned around and scanned the area still not seeing anything wondering why nobody came to see what the alarm was for and why no walkers came. He looked over seeing Evin limping with the crutch around the other cars before looking over and waving him over, Monte turned looking at the kids before moving back and went over glancing back to keep an eye on them ''There's a car seat in here, then Alex can just sit between them.'' Evin stated and looked over to them, Monte turned to him looking inside and nodded ''Yeah.'' he brought his ritfle up and Evin stepped back looking away as Monte smashed the window, he reahced inside uncliping the carseat from the seat and pulled it out the window before the two headed back towards the kids. Evin went to the side Ben and Alex were on and moved Ben's seat before opening the back door and set him down on the seat while Monte got Elizabeth in the seat ''You know how to strap them in?'' Monte asked glancing up to him moivng the seat back ''Yeah, do you?'' Evin asked smiling as he moved Ben's seat back, Monte looked at him and watched Evin making sure Ben's seat didn't move, Evin turned and moved to the side before helping Alex get up, Monte looked at the seat Elizabeth was laying in.

Alex got between the twins and Monte climbed in buckling him up while Evin shut the door going to the front door whipping the glass that was on his seat, he turned looking to Monte ''What?'' Monte looked to him and smiled shaking his head ''I, didn't say anything.'' he stated and moved out of the back shutting the door, Evin thought for a moment before turning front thinking about it and looked out the window. Monte got in the front and buckled up looking to Evin ''You ok?'' Evin looked to him and nodded looking out the window again looking at the same spot, Monte looked over there then looked back to him, Monte breathed in looking to the steering wheel ''What are you seeing?'' Evin looked at him ''Nothing, let's go.'' he stated and loked back out the window before looking down, Monte looked at him. Evin smiled knowing Monte was looking at him ''Lewis.'' he stated, Monte looked at him and Evin shut his eye's ''Been seeing him since,'' Evin hung his head ''Since the ambush.'' he stated thinking back to it, Monte turned back and backed the car up not really knowing what to say. Evin looked outside back towards the water where the boat was while Monte turned and started driving into Norfolk.

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