Chapter thirty: The Disturbed

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Jonathan slowed the car down seeing the two dead bodies and opened the door stepping out looking over at them, he looked back in to Frank before leaning in ''LJ, stay with the girls and Ivan.'' he stated and grabbed the ritfle, LJ nodded while Jon stood up straight and shut the door, Frank got out holding an assult ritfle, Jonathan walked over and looked at them seeing a bullet in the centre of their foreheads while Frank walked over looking down at them ''Sniper?'' he asked seeing the perfect shots, Jon looked at the buildings and shook his head crouching down ''It would've been two snipers shooting them at the same time from the same angle.'' Jonathan explained and got up ''And I only know one person who could make clean fast shot's like this, and as far as I know he dosen't have a sniper.'' he stated and went over to the store that had light grey smoke rising from it. He looked inside seeing it was completely burned up ''Definetly a bomb.'' Frank mentioned seeing the damage, Jonathan looked at the store before turning looking across the street at the tall office building and nodded towards it before looking to the left seeing the truck blocking the road leading any further ''There in there.'' he stated and looked to Frank who turned to him then looked to the office building.

He looked over to the car before walking to the front door's of the office building, he got there and looked to Frank before they both looked through the doors seeing the body laying there, he pulled the door open before bringing his gun up seeing a walker, the walker had a blood spot on his back, Frank stepped in and his heart sank, he reached over lowering the gun recognizing the dark skin colour and clothing ''Roy?'' Jon looked to Frank then over to the walker as it made staggering step's to turn around, once it say them it reached out and Jonathan could see clearly that it was in fact Roy, he lowered the ritfle moving the strap over his head and pulled his knife out from the holster on his right hip and held it in his right hand walking over, he moved around Roy a bit faster then Roy could turn before covering Roy's eye's and plunged the knife into his head before lowering him down to the ground pulling the knife out, Jon then looked over hearing movement and Frank walked over looking down to Roy while Jonathan stood and looked down ''We can't leave him here.'' Jonathan looked over to the door leading into the office building before walking over and turned the light on that was strapped to the backpack.

He shinned it around seeing a couple of walkers but then looked down seeing bodies, scattered around, he turned away as the stench of death hit his nose and looked to Frank breathing in before sighing it out ''It reeks.'' he informed and looked to Frank who headed over covering his mouth and nose before it could hit him, he looked inside seeing the walkers, Jonathan looked around seeing lanturns scattered around on this floor and turned to Frank ''What happened here?'' Jon looked past him to Roy then turned not liking the fact Roy was the only on on this floor, Jonathan put his knife away pulling the machette out walking over to the dead walking around, he swung killing one before moving on, Frank followed behind him and looked at the one's Jon killed while looking the one's already dead, Frank crouched down to the first Jon killed and rolled him over while Jonathan took out the last one on that floor ''Jon?'' he turned and headed back looking down seeing why Frank was questioning.

There was a pencil in the neck of it and Jon's eye's widened as he looked around ''Shit.'' he turned and ran to the stairwell, Frank got up and followed him running after him, they headed up and Jon looked out the small window on the second floor before pushing the door open and saw three walkers and the rest on this floor were dead, there as a computer cord tied around the neck of one zombie, the computer holding it to the ground while another zombie had his stomach cut open ''What happened here?'' Frank asked, and Jon moved back pushing him into the stairwell shutting the door behind him ''There's something I should've told you about my brother.'' he stated before moving up the stairs not making eye contact with Frank.

Frank watched Jon continue up the stairs before turning to the door and followed him up, they went all the way up to the fifth floor beofre Jonathan moved a chair blocking the door before opening it and looked around seeing blood stains in a row on the carpet surrounded by a bunch of dead guy's, he walked over seeing Emily and Theo, shot dead next to the stains then looked at the blood and followed the trail back a bit and to the elevator shaft. He took the light off his bag and shinned it down seeing the walkers laying on the broken elevator, Frank walked over and looked down ''Oh God...'' Frank covered his mouth recognizing everyone, Jon looked at them, seeing Lewis walking along side Tony, Steve and the others, including Bill.

He counted everyone down there and shinned the light over to Emily and Theo and remembered Roy on the first floor ''He faught his way out.'' he stated and looked down the shaft moving away and looked to Frank ''You're telling me Evin killed all those people?'' Jonathan looked around ''They were shot,'' he stated and looked down the shaft ''They... Died in... A horrible way.'' he added and turned back to Frank ''Roy is on the bottom floor, away from everyone.'' he stated and thought about how their hairs were handcuffed by signs of Emily and Theo's hands behing behind their backs ''His hands were free meaning Evin must've gotten to him and freed him, the guy that was leaned on the door down there must've shot him in the back.'' Jonathan thought about all the stuff Evin wittnessed and looked down shutting his eye's. Jonathan looked at Frank ''Just what he needed.'' he stated and put the light on the strap of his backpack bringing the ritfle back around ''More trauma.'' he stated and aimed the ritfle into the shaft to shoot his fallen friends, starting with Lewis.

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