Chapter thirty six: The Dangerous

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Jonathan stood by the large garage door and listened as the wind howled outside, he moved away while LJ was checking what they had ''There are three water bottles three cans of food and one pack of batteries. Oh and the cold and flu medicine.'' LJ stated and looked to Heather, she nodded ''We'll need to find more.'' Jon moved into the store seeing Vivian standing at the glass doors ''Is it a good idea to move behind them, if one of them see's us then they'll all turn around.'' she stated hearing Jon come into the room, he stood beside her ''We'll be walking an hour behind them.'' he informed and looked to her ''How are you feeling?'' Vivian smiled and looked to him ''I'm ok.'' she stated and looked down to her stomach ''I just wish I could see a bump, to know for sure.'' she stated, Jon looked at her thinking then looked outside seeing the horde passing by slowly ''My wife knew imediately, didn't even take a test.'' he stated looking at them walk by, Vivian looked at him ''She just came up to me one morning and said she was pregnant.'' he added and looked to her ''I didn't know you were married?'' Jon smiled and looked outside nodding.

Vivian looked to him seeing that something might've happened to her and looked outside, the two both looked over as Frank came into the room, he walked over to them ''What happened to Ivan?'' Jon asked curiously, Frank smiled seeing he didn't tell him yet ''He has asmtha, he was breathing in to fast for some reason and for a new born baby or one month old it triggered his asthma.'' he stated and looked to Jon who was shocked ''It's alright, there's no way anyone could've known in these days, based on his age and without the equipment.'' he explained and looked past them at the road where the horde was ''Are those zombies from the zone?'' he asked curiously, wondering if there were people he knew inside, Jon tunred looking at them and shrugged ''There's only one way to be sure of that and there are to many to do that.'' he stated and turned back looking at Frank who nodded ''Uh, Vivian, can I speak with Jon alone?" she nodded and looked to Jon before walking past him, Frank moved forward to where Vivian was standing.

''It's about your brother.'' Jon sighed and hung his head ''He's alive, I know-'' ''No, no, not that.'' Jon looked at him and looked outside ''I told you everything.'' Frank looked at him ''Schizophrenia, that's something you should've mentioned apon getting to the zone.'' Jonathan looked at him ''How was I supposed to? While you were giving him a checkup or me, or how about when you asked if we were the two from the radio, the only people who were immune.'' he stated Frank looked at him ''I saw the building, that kind of schizophrenia is dangerous.'' Jon nodded ''I'm aware of this, all he need's it to find his medication, he know's this and he knows what his medication is.'' Frank looked at him ''Where you ever going to say anything?'' he quesioned, Jonathan held his arm's over his chest looking at Frank ''If something happened, yes.'' Jon stated and looked him up and down ''No offence but we didn't really trust anyone in the zone, why do you think we never said anything about being immune.'' Frank turned and looked outside.

''I'm sorry, but to me, right now, your brother is a threat.'' he stated and passed Jon going back to the others. Jonathan hung his head thinking about everything, about how he made them drive around the city for a whole day trying to find Evin. He turned kicking a small basket with a couple of things inside, causing it to slid a bit hitting the body that was there. He leaned back hitting the small bit of wall between the window and door, he stared ahead of him at the store glancing around at the dark before pushing off the wall and walked over going into the garage. 

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