Chapter one hundred: The Impact

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Jonathan ran down the alley and got to the road looking back seeing Aviana running after him ''We can't out run them all the way to Nashville.'' she stated and panted leaning forward placing her hands on her knee's ''Then we find a vheical, and get further away.'' Jon stated and turned going onto the street, he looked around before running down the street and heard a car, he turned and waved for Aviana to follow him across the street and through some cars before getting into another alley, Aviana turned and went back peeking around seeing the military like truck and turned running after him ''I think their military?'' she stated and turned Jonathan looked around before going over to a fire escape while Aviana turned looking to the road ''Could've stolen the truck.'' he stated and pulled a large dumpster over before climbing up, Aviana turned and took his hand while he pulled her up and let her climb up before him ''Careful, it'll be slippery from the rain.'' he stated seeing the glossy texture.

She got up and turned, Jonathan looked up before climbing up being careful himself and got to the top, they then started climbing up to get a view of where they were in the city, getting to the top Aviana aimed her pistol before walking onto the roof, Jon got there and went to the edge before his eye's widened seeing the building across from them ''Huh.'' Aviana looked over and went to him looking over seeing the helicopter that had crashed into the side of the building, she could tell it probably happened near the begining and has been hanging in the building for a while. Jonathan looked around before just squinting trying to see the helicopter ''It's a new's chopper.'' he stated and looked to her, Aviana looked at it then looked around seeing a small military checkpoint down the street ''Supplise?'' she stated pointing, Jon looked over to where she was pointing and nodded ''Yeah.'' he turned and went to the other side of the roof looking over seeing a plane that had crashed further into the city where they weren't at ''Jonathan, there's a car.'' Jon looked back before walking back to her ''Where?'' Aviana looked at him ''It's being driven but, their also being chased.'' she stated and pointed down the road ''They turned down that street.'' she stated, Jon looked that way then looked to the checkpoint ''I don't think the other's will be here, there's no reason for them to come this way, Aviana stopped him grabbing his arm ''There's no reason for them to go to Nashville either.'' Jon looked at her thinking about it.

''I wanna check the checkpoint, if we run into those people then we'll try and help them, ok?'' he stated, Aviana smiled and followed him back to the fire escape, they headed down and Jon stopped her pressing her against the wall hearing the truck right under them, he looked down through the grates and saw it wasn't moving, he saw two people get out and head towards the large garbage bin, Jon turned and tried opening the window, it budged and he pulled it up a bit, Aviana got the idea and moved under it before grabbing it keeping it up while Jonathan climbed in and took it from her letting her look around while he lowered it, once it was low enough he moved his hands and pushed it shut and moved away before looking around seeing it was an apartment, he went over pushing his wet hair back before wondering into the room where Aviana went seeing her looking at baby clothes. She picked up a tiny babies jumpsuit and Jon lowered his pistol before walking over and looked over her shoulder ''You think Vivian would like it?'' Aviana turned a bit before looking at it ''Maybe.'' she stated, Jon looked to her before turning and moving to the door ''Did you have two boys?'' Jon paused hearing her before opening his mouth ''Uh, yeah.'' he stated and turned looking over to her, Aviana turned looking at him.

Aviana walked over to him and handed him the jumpsuit ''Vivian's worried about you, I mean, so am I and I'm pretty sure LJ is too.'' Jonathan looked to the jumpsuit and took it from her ''Don't be.'' he stated and looked out to the window before shutting the door and brought his hand up placing a finger on his lips, they waited a bit before Jon peeked out seeing they weren't there anymore and left going to the door and unlocked it before listening not hearing any walkers and looked to Aviana who nodded understanding they needed to be ready. Jon opened the door and looked in the hall both ways before stepping out letting Aviana leave with him, he shut the door so they wouldn't think it was suspicious for a door to be open, he crouched putting the jumpsuit in his backpack before getting up and followed her to the stairs, they headed down getting to the bottom floor before going to the front doors and ran out and across the street. Jonathan looked back ''Go for it.'' he said talking about the checkpoint, Aviana nodded and looked to the checkpoint before running over, Jonathan watched the alley way before turning and running to the checkpoint, Aviana got there seeing metal revolving doors and started moving through one and looked back to Jon as one door shut moving her through them and got into the checkpoint looking around before Jon got there and moved through the revolving doors.

Jonathan looked around ''Food, maybe a better gun and ammo.'' he said, Aviana nodded and went to look, Jonathan went to the first tent moving the plastic curtain aiming his pistol inside and looked around seeing containers and went over taking a lid off and saw what was inside, he picked up one of the packets ''MRE's.'' he smiled and looked at how many there were in this one box, Aviana went back to him ''Two assult ritfles and an entire tent of ammo.'' Jon looked over to her ''MRE's, a bunch of them.'' he stated and thought about it ''Like this checkpoint's being used.'' he stated and took his bag off ''Come.'' he stated and grabbed three packets putting them in his bag seeing that was all and took one of the assult ritlfes from her while she took her bag off grabbing four MRE's ''Did you see a car, any kind?'' he asked, Aviana thought ''Uh, yeah, to the side of this checkpoint a car, it's not that big though.'' she explained getting her bag back on and held the pistol putting the assult ritlfe on her shoulder.

Jonathan nodded as they headed out, they moved through the metal revolving door's as the people in the truck came out of the alley, Jon grabbed her hand and pulled her to the side where she said the car was, they got there and he saw the car. He went to the drivers side smashing the window before reaching in and unlocked it getting inside, Aviana smashed her window as well getting in while Jon reached under hotwiring it before pressing on the gas as they started shooting at them, he turned onto the street to their left and kept going speeding down the road before getting to the end only to get hit from the side cracking the whole windsheild.

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