Chapter ninety one: The Clue

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Monte glanced at the radio in the car seeing the time and making a mental note 'eight o'clock am' he took another bite into his candy bar as rain hit windsheild and looked to Evin ''It's your turn.'' Evin smiled and sat up looking around ''I spy with my little eye, something that is...'' he paused and straightened himself ''A smiley face.'' he muttered and watched the sign pass ''That's not really a thing.'' Monte stated a bit confused ''Stop the car.'' he stated, Monte looked at him ''It's a highway Evin, anything can come from anywhere-'' ''Stop the car!'' he yelled turning to Monte who stopped, Evin got out and Monte couldn't say anything in time to stop him. Monte got out shutting his door and ran around seeing Evin limp run back a couple of feet before grabbing a sign and turning to look at it, Monte hurried over while Evin reached up touching the black paint that was being hit by the rain and saw some pigment on his fingers, he looked over to Monte as he got there and looked at the sign ''This is fresh.'' Evin informed, Monte looked down the road then looked at the sign ''Charleston and Huntington, who do you think it is?'' Monte asked heading back to the car, Evin followed limping over ''Connor... Or Carson, their the only two I know who would do that.'' he stated and got in shutting the door.

Monte started driving again ''What's happening?'' Evin looked to Monte hearing Alex, Monte nodded ''Uh, nothing, it's fine shīzi.'' Monte stated going down the road ''If we're lucky, they'll be in whatever town that's coming up.'' Monte stated seeing a couple of cars on the road before slowing the car down looking for a way through before stopping it completely ''Great.'' Evin looked around trying to see movement through the cars ''They must be on foot.'' he stated and looked to Monte, he stared at Evin ''We can't go on foot, not with them.'' he stated nodding back to the kids, Evin glanced back before looking forward, he looked to the sides ''Grass.'' he stated and looked to Monte, he looked at Evin ''What if it's not them?'' Evin looked at him ''You wanna turn around, ignore a sign of someone we know?'' he asked looking to Monte, he sighed thinking about that ''No, I'm just saying it'll be dangerous.'' he stated and looked at him, Evin stared at him then looked into the town.

He couldn't see any kind of movement, walkers or people ''What if I went in alone? Brought them back.'' he stated and looked to Monte, he shook his head ''You're still healing.'' he stated looking at him ''Well, how are we going to find them, cause it ain't gonna be from sitting here.'' Monte looked at him ''Sass.'' he stated and turned the car off turning to him ''I'll go, stay here and try and think of where we should go, or where you think Jon would go.'' he stated and reached behind Evin's seat grabbing his bag bringing it around and looked at him, Evin stared at him ''Really?'' Monte smiled ''Need someone to stay with them.'' he stated and got out ''Dad?'' Alex leaned forward looking to him, Monte looked at him ''It's ok, Evin's staying with you.'' he stated and looked at Evin, who sat back in the seat. Monte smiled and shut the door putting his bag on his shoulder's walking around to the back opening the trunk taking his assult ritfle out shutting it and walked aorund looking towards the town before walking forward to the cars.

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