Chapter forty two: The Crush

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Connor sat up gasping as his hands landed on the ground, he looked forward before his eye's moved around a bit, he looked around him seeing everyone asleep, he lifted his hands off the ground and saw them shaking, he sighed out silently before moving to get on his feet, he looked around and saw a flashlight on behind the bar, he looked down to everyone to see who was awake and noticed Emma wasn't laying there and looked over figuring it was her. He moved his hands down on his hip's before moving over Mia and headed over to the bar, he stepped up seeing Emma taking a sip of the wiskey before moving it down, Emma smiled and looked over to him ''You talk in your sleep.'' she muttered, Connor thought about that before bringing his arm's up holding his arm's close to him before walking over and held the top of the bar sitting down next to her, she moved the bottle to him and waited, Connor looked at it then shook his head. Emma smiled and moved it back ''Lewis kept two bottles in the whole house, one in his bedroom on the top shelf of his closet and one downstairs above the fridge behind a couple of cereal boxes with boring logos.'' Connor smiled and looked down bringing his leg's up letting his wrists rest on his knee's.

Emma noticed his hands were shaking before he moving them together and back towards his stomach in light fist's ''Nightmares suck.'' Connor looked at her ''Don't even deny that you had one.'' she stated not letting him talk about it, Connor turned front, Emma looked at him seeing Connor wasn't in the mood for talking ''My sister use to say talking about nightmares helped.'' Connor looked at her shocked ''You have a sister.'' Emma smiled softly looking past Connor then turned her head back looking to the bottle ''Had.'' she stated and took another sip. Connor stared at her seeing he brought something up, Connor moved his head back looking at the small shelves holding shot glasses ''At the begining... I was in a plane crash.'' he started, Emma turned looking at him ''A plane with... Close to seventeen people.'' he stated and thought about that ''Come to think of it only seven people died on impact, ten got out alive, and one.... Severly injured.'' he stated and hung his head twidiling his thumbs.

Emma saw this bothered him ''My nightmare was the plane going down, people screaming as a zombie wondered down the isle... Except, every time I have it there are more and more walkers.'' he stated and looked at his thin hands. Emma looked at him before moving the bottle towards him, Connor paused for a moment seeing the bottle in his peripheral. He then reached over with his right hand and took the bottle from Emma before drinking a bit of it then swallowed moving the bottle away from him, his eye's widened and he moved the bottle infront of him more resting his right wrist on his knee again. Emma stared at him then turned forward. She then used her hands to push off the groun and moved closer to Connor before leaning her head on his left shoulder, Connor tensed up once her head was there, Emma brought her left hand up tucking her orangey hair behind her ear ''I have a nightmare of Lewis turning infront of me.'' she stated and shut her eye's feeling them burn a bit.

Connor looked at the bottle before moving it so it was to his right and opened his mouth to say something else but paused hearing her breathes, he leaned forward a bit and saw she had passed out, he smiled and relaxed putting his head against the bar where shelves were. He shut his eye's thinking about the others who were seperated from them then moved his head off the bar looking over to where everyone was sleeping, he leaned forward as far as he could without Emma waking up. He saw movement and his eye's widened a bit, he turned and looked to Emma not wanting to wake her up but didn't want Nikko to see them like this, he truned and lifted Emma's head off his shoulder and moved it back a bit resting it on the bar shelves a bit before moving to sit across from her. He glanced over seeing Mia stretching in the darkness and sighed letting his heart calm down, Mia wondered over and leaned on the counter a bit looking to Connor then looked to Emma before walking around the small bit of counter and went over sitting down where Connor was one sitting. She turned looking at the bottle then looked to Connor ''Stressed?'' Connor shook his head ''She was the one drinking it.'' Mia smiled softly before bringing the bottle up taking a sip, she shut her eye's raising her eye brows ''Jesus, that's strong.'' she stated and looked at it, Connor smiled as she set it back down and looked at him.

''You think they got out?'' he asked, Mia smiled and nodded ''Yeah, I do.'' Connor thought more ''What about Evin, he went on that run.'' Mia thought about it and nodded ''I think they made it, why?'' Connor lowered his head having his leg's crossed and his hands in his lap ''Why didn't they come back to the zone afterwards?'' he questioned and looked to her, Mia smiled seeing why he was worried ''Maybe there were people there, but their all smart, I'm sure their all fine.'' she reassured, Connor nodded looking to her then looked down again ''We have to get through December, the cold, it's only the twenty fifth.'' she stated looking at him, Connor stayed the way he was not moving much ''We'll find them.'' Connor looked at her ''I promise.'' Connor looked down ''How can you promise that?'' Mia smiled ''Becasue my best friends with someone, meaning Carson and Evin must be as well.'' she explained, Connor nodded and looked at Emma thinking about her uncle, seeing that someone with him could be Evin. He could tell she was missing him as well.

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