Chapter seventy one: The Docks

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Monte peeked over the small cement wall seeing the guy's walking by as a truck drove by the opposite way, Monte ducked behind it and looked over to Evin who was leaning against a wall with Alex and the twins behind him, Monte shook his head before laying prone and crawled back over to him, Evin sighed quietly and looked at his watch ''I don't think they'll leave.'' Evin whispered while Monte got up and looked at him, he looked at the babies before taking his bag off and got the sling's out looking up to Evin, he looked at the slings knowing if they were to get a boat before nine they'd have to make a run for it, carrying the babies, but with Evin's leg and Alex it would be difficult, he put one of the sling's away and got one of them on him, making sure it was strapped on properly before picking up Elizabeth getting her into it ''We're going for one of the fishing boats.'' he stated and got up picking up the backpack and duffle bag, Evin reached down picking up Ben's basket while Monte moved Elizabeth's to the side and looked to Evin before looking at Alex, he moved over ''Hey, you can sleep once we're on the water, alright?'' he asked seeing Alex rubbing his eye's, Alex nodded then looked to him.

Monte looked up to Evin seeing him ready to go and got up walking to the edge of the building and looked around the corner seeing the truck drive by and saw the fishing boat before turning to Evin as he got there, he tried thinking of what the best way to do this was, he looked around seeing a small jeep, thinking of if they could sneak to it and get into it drive it close enough to the docks then get on the boat. He looked at Evin before nodding over towards it, Evin looked and nodded looking back to Monte and looked past him beofre looking away shutting his eyes, Monte looked around before pulling Evin out of the open seeing someone run by ''Everyone meet at home base!'' he yelled and looked around running over to the truck, Monte turned to Evin before looking at his watch ''Eight thrity one, we gotta get on the water.'' he stated and looked around. Evin looked down to Alex who was staying between him and Monte. Evin looked back the way they came seeing people walk by and grabbed Monte's arm pulling him back move so they were leaned against the wall behind the stack of boxes ''There's to many people.'' Evin stated looking at him, Monte sighed put his head back on the wall.

Evin looked over seeing a truck leaving with other people getting into the small jeeps ''Would they leave this place unarmed?'' he asked seeing a bunch of people leaving, Monte peeked ''They're probably gonna try evacuating, maybe they heard about the bombs.'' Evin looked at him ''You said it was talked about on a secure line, a military secure line.'' Monte nodded ''A line that I found on their radio.'' he whispered and looked over ''Why else would they be telling everyone to head to their home base?'' Evin nodded ''Ok, we'll just wait for them to get far enough away then go for the boat.'' Monte nodded and looked around seeing a wooden grate full of what looked like apples which would be good for the boat ride since Monte didn't know where they would be heading, just knowing they needed to get away from New York.

They waited a bit longer before they heard one of the last cars and waited not hearing anything else, Monte brought his ritfle up and turned the corner aiming his gun around before nodding for Evin to follow, Evin moved away from the wall and Alex followed after him, Monte reached his hand for Alex who went to him taking his hand and they headed to the small docking area, Evin made his way over looking around seeing a group of five still down the docks and hurried down the step's as best he could as Monte moved his gun behind him and lifted Alex up and over onto the boat, Monte turned seeing Evin making his way over with Ben. Monte took his bag off and put it in along with the duffle back while Alexander moved back giving Monte room to set thing's down.

Evin handed the basket to Monte before resting the crutch on the boat, Monte lifted Ben into the boat setting him down before taking Evin's crutch and put it inside before helping him in ''Hey!'' Monte turned seeing them and got Elizabeth off and carefully handed her to Evin, he held her while Monte brought his ritfle up turning around and aimed at them seeing them running over, he lined up his shot before pressing the trigger a couple of times hitting one right in the head and another in the neck before the other three dropped behind the thing, Monte moved over and crouched behind some boxes, Evin peeked over looking at him ''What are you doing, get in and let's go.'' Evin stated and layed down having Elizabeth on his chest. Monte brought his ritfle up and looked to the basket of apples then to the people and waited knowing where they were, he waited before they peeked over the small wall and pressed the trigger letting a couple of bullet's go at a time, he got two and there was one left so he got up and moved towards them, he got up there and turned aiming at him, they woman dropped her gun and brought her hands up and Monte stared at her ''Take the boat, I don't care.'' she stated, Monte looked at her keeping the gun on her, he went closer and grabbed the gun before moving away from her ''Evacuate, the military is dropping bomb's don't make me regret letting you go.'' Monte stated and turned going to the grate, the woman looked over to him and got up watching him carrying the grate of apples to the boat.

The woman turned and ran to one of the small jeeps and got inside, Evin looked at him as he put the grate into the boat ''You let her go?'' Evin asked while Monte got the ropes off the thing's that kept the boat at the dock before jumping in with the ropes and dropped them to the side and set the guns down ''What's she gonna do? Knife me?'' he asked and walked past them going into the captians area and looked at the controls, Evin limped over and looked at Monte just staring at everything ''You do know how to drive this right?'' Monte nodded slowly ''Uh, yeah.'' he stated and bit his bottom lip still looking at everything ''Monte.'' he nodded and held his hand out ''I got it.'' he stated and looked up before moving something and caught the keys that fell, Monte turned looking at Evin who had an eye brow raised ''What?'' Evin continued to stare at him ''I've driven a boat like this.'' Evin smiled ''When?'' he asked and tilted his head, Monte thought about it ''When I was nine.'' he stated with a smile, Evin scoffed smiling as he moved back outside and sat down next to Alex.

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