Chapter thirty four: The Followers

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Jonathan looked at the gas meter and sighed slowling the car down, they made it out of Toronto and were on the highway leading to the United States, he pulled over and unbuckled looking back at them ''Please tell me you have a map on you?'' he asked looking to LJ, he shook his head, Jon nodded and turned back looking ahead ''We should be far enough away, I mean, we're a day out of the city, we should be ok.'' Jon looked at the time on the car before turning it off ''It's also really early.'' he stated and turned looking to Ivan thinking about Monte and the kids, he turned back and looked down the road ''You wouldn't happen to know how far the next gas station is, would you?'' he asked and looked to Frank, he pressed his lip's together before shaking his head, Jon nodded and opened the door stepping out hearing the snow crunch under his feet, he looked down the way they came thinking of his brother, wondering around in a large city by himself. Heather got out of the car and moved to the side while LJ climbed out helping Aviana out of the car, Jonathan shook his head and went over standing infront of Aviana before reaching back taking her leg's, Aviana grabbed his shoulders understanding and he moved a bit away from the car before lifting her up more and leaned a bit forward.

LJ took Ivan's basket and shut the door after Tanner and Vivian climbed out of the car ''So what, we're just going to walk?'' Vivian asked hugging herself in her coat looking at them ''It's either that or drive on fumes.'' Jon stated and looked down the road, Frank got the guns out of the car and bag's giving the ritfle to Tanner before they turned and started walking ''I hope I'm not hurting your back.'' Aviana stated having her hands on Jon's shoulder's not wanting to choke him, Jon smiled ''I carry Alex around most of the time, this is nothing.'' he stated, Aviana smiled and looked to LJ seeing him, Aviana moved back a bit knowing Jonathan had her and thought about the other's ''Should we wait?'' Tanner turned back looking to her ''Why?'' Aviana turned back ''The others, wouldn't they head this way as well?'' she asked curious, Frank turned ''There were three different exits in that zone, we left through the main one, the other two ways were originally blocked off, locked from the inside.'' he explained ''Blocked with what?'' Jon asked curious ''Grates, they weren't massive but they worked to keep the door's shut and the dead out.'' Jonathan looked at him sqinting his eye's a bit while Vivan and LJ stood to his right ''Wait, so were the dead at those gates already?'' he asked looking to them, Tanner shook his head a possitive look on his face ''There were gaurds at each gate, even the one's that were blocked, they would've talked about the dead.'' he stated and turned his head looking to the side.

''What?'' Vivian asked but LJ could see what was wrong ''If they were at the gate they would've talked about the dead and the explosives.'' Tanner bit his tongue and looked to Frank ''I'm thinking there were people on the inside that planned that.'' Frank looked at him confused ''No, everyone in there were good people.'' Jonathan thought about it ''Not everyone.'' he stated and turned looking back the way they came ''The people with Davis, we didn't know them completely.'' Vivian caught on and looked to Frank and Tanner, Heather sqinted fixing the thin glasses that sat on her nose and her eye's widened ''Uh, we need to move.'' she stated moving back, Jon looked back the way he was just looking seeing a lone zombie come over the small hill while Heather ran to them, Tanner lifted the ritlfe and aimed looking through the small scope and saw why Heater spoke the way she did ''She's right, we need to go, that's to many, especially with everyone here that's unarmed.'' Tanner informed, Jonathan moved Aviana up more on his back holding her better while they stared speed walking down the highway road to get further ahead of the small horde. 

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