Chapter five: The Decorations

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Evin got into the house and looked around seeing that there were a bunch of halloween decorations up, there was orange and black garland wrapped around the railings going upstairs and small pumkins and ghosts hanging from a string over the archway leading into the living room where Connor was reading a comic book while listening to music, Evin looked around the living room seeing more halloween decorations and a tree that wasn't decorated yet, Carson dried his hands entereing the living room looking to Evin ''Welcome home.'' Evin looked to him and smiled ''Uh, I think you have the wrong holiday.'' Connor turned hearing them talking subtlely behind him, he pulled his headphones out and set the ipod down with the headphones on top of the comic and got up going to Evin hugging him, Evin was shocked a bit before hugging him back, Carson smiled ''You left before he woke up, he got worried.'' Carson stated and went over to the coffee table while Connor pulled away looking to him ''Also, Tim and Connor couldn't celebrate halloween much like everyone but there were both halloween decorations and chritmas one's so instead of christmas we chose halloween.'' Carson explained and walked over hugging him, Evin hugged back and pulled away looking to Carson before looking to Connor.

''I need to talk to Carson.'' he stated and turned to Connor, he nodded and went over grabbing his thing's before walking out of the living room and headed upstairs, Carson and Evin sat, Evin setting the bag beside him then looked at Carson. He sighed and hung his head a bit ''We are going to the airport sometime this week and we need more people.'' Evin explained and looked to Carson seeing his eye's widen a bit, he leaned back and crossed his arm's over his chest ''Airport?'' Evin nodded knowing Carson would be hesitant on this ''That's a death trap.'' Evin smiled leaning forward ''Not if we're careful.'' he stated, Carson looked at him ''You're planning on going.'' Evin smiled and nodded, Carson looked towards the fireplace thinking about it more ''Connor and Timothy won't like it.'' Evin sat up straightening his back and nodded ''Yeah, I know.'' Evin stated, Carson sighed and dragged his hand down his face.

Evin looked at him waiting for an answer ''I'm guessing Jon's asking Monte right now?'' Evin nodded remembering the conversation him and Jonathan had walking to the houses, Carson nodded thinking about who could join them ''I'll join, but... I think we should tell the boys.'' Evin thought about that knowing they were going to try and keep them from leaving, he nodded and hung his head knowing Carson was right, Carson pushed off the couch and leaned on his knee's with his elbows ''Connor, Timothy, come down here please.'' he called and looked at Evin as he lifted his head having his hands on his knee's and looked over hearing the two walking down the stairs before reaching the archway. Evin didn't know the feeling in this house, but found it comforting ''Yeah?'' Connor asked putting his hands in the pockets of his skinny jeans, Carson glanced over to Evin ''Me, Carson and a bunch of others are going to be heading to the airport on a run, gather whatever we can find inside.'' Connor looked at Evin seeing what they needed to talk about ''Both of you are going?'' Tim asked remembering the airport when they first arrived, remembering how many thing's he saw inside throught the windows.

''Yes, but it'll be ok, with the number of people on runs right now, with me Monte, and probably Shawn and whoever else can join us or who wants to join us, there will be people watching other's backs. We'd probably move in a large group to make sure we don't get swarmed.'' Carson stated looking at the two, Timothy shook his head along with Connor slightly shaking his head ''You guy's could get swarmed, dosen't matter how many people are with you.'' Timothy stated looking at them before running up the stairs, Evin got up but Carson stopped him and passed by Connor who looked to Evin ''Who's idea was this?'' he asked knowing Evin would never suggest this ''Darrel, the guy who's second in command for the runners.'' Evin explained walking over to him, Connor looked to the side, he glared looking at the ground not liking the idea of Evin and Carson going somewhere so dangerous ''Hey,'' Evin grabbed his shoulders making him look at him Connor stared at him still glaring just a bit ''We'll be ok, it's not like I'll let something happen to Carson, or anyone that comes with us, no matter how much I don't trust most of them.'' Connor raised an eyebrow and Evin smiled a bit ''We'll come back, in one piece.'' Connor stared at him then looked down nodding, Evin pulled Connor in hugging him ''I promise.'' he stated holding Connor closer and a bit tighter.

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