Chapter four: The Friendly Faces

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Lewis walked out of the medical tent before bumping into a woman who was going in ''I'm sorry.'' she stated and turned looking to Lewis ''It's alright.'' he stated and picked up the vinyl he got so Emma could give it to Connor, the woman smiled ''I'm sorry I don't think we've met, you were with the first group that came to the zone, right?'' she asked stepping down, Lewis nodded ''Yeah, the one with mostly kids.'' she smiled looking down then looked to him holding her hand out ''Veronica.'' she stated, Lewis reached out with his right shaking her glove covered hand ''Lewis.'' she smiled nodding ''You a fan?'' Lewis's eye's widened then he looked to the vinyl and smiled ''Uh no, my niece asked me to get it for her friend, christmas and all.'' Veronica smiled ''Nice, if she wants to add to his present, I've got a different record of AC/DC, it's an original.'' Lewis was shocked ''Really?'' Veronica nodded ''I'm a fan but... Honestly I don't see a point in keeping thing's around anymore.'' she stated, Lewis smiled ''That's very generous of you but... I wouldn't wanna take an original.'' Veronica smiled ''I wouldn't have mentioned it if I wasn't wanting to give it away.'' she stated leaning forward a bit before standing straight, Lewis smiled and nodded thinking about the gift.

''If you don't wanna feel bad about it, you can tell her friend it's from me. Just write my name on the card or, wrapping paper.'' she stated keeping a friendly smile on her face, Lewis smiled and nodded ''I'll take you up on that.'' Veronica smiled ''V e r o n i c a.'' she spelled out and stepped up on the second step to the entrance of the medical tent ''What house?'' Lewis asked looking up to her, she smiled ''Seventeen.'' she stated and moved back going into the tent, Lewis stepped back before turning looking down the vinyl he had and contiued down the street towards the houses, he saw Jonathan going to his house, the same with Evin both having bags. He turned and headed up the step's on his porch going inside ''Emma, come down here.'' he called going into the living room. Emma turned the corner and going down ''Did you get it?'' she asked cheerfully, Lewis set his bag down and turned flipping the vinyl over letting her see, she smiled walking over and took the vinyl wrapped in plastic before looking to Lewis ''Thank you unk.'' she stated hugging him, Lewis smiled hugging back ''No problem kiddo, go wrap it.'' he stated turning her around, Emma went to the stairs going back up with the record, Lewis waited for her to go up before turning taking out what he got for Emma.

It was a book named The Prey, he knew this was abook Emma hasn't read yet, based on the fact that it wasn't in the house and she always talks about book's she has read, he set it on the coffee table and took out the camera he found setting it down then brought the bag to the front door to take it back to the medical tent so it would be there for next time, he then went back to the living room and picked up the book before moving into the kitchen ''Bruce, do we have wrapping paper?'' Bruce turned and looked to him seeing the book his hand ''Uh, yeah, Emma found a bunch of christmas stuff under the stairs.'' he stated and tunred back to what he was cooking, Lewis smelled it and walked over looking over his shoulder seeing he was making stew ''Special occation?'' he asked and went out of the kitchen ''Just making dinner.'' Bruce called while Lewis pulled on the small chain hanging from the celing getting the light on and saw the box that had wrapping paper poking out.

Lewis looked into the box seeing ordaments inside then looked behind it seeing a fake christmas tree tied up. He smiled knowing what he would be doing later today, he looked at the different wrapping paper and went with the red one with white snowflakes on it. He left the small room pulling on the cord going into the living room again and sat on the couch setting the book down before getting the plastic off the wrapping paper getting ready to wrap this present.

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