Chapter twenty three: The Disloyal

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Roy stopped the truck hearing one of the people in the back hit the wall behind them so Roy looked to Evin ''What do you think?'' he asked seeing they were a couple of ways away from where the smoke was coming from ''I'm suspicious.'' Roy looked around ''Why?'' he asked and looked back to Evin ''A very loud noise, with a huge cloud of smoke and there's no walkers, anywhere.'' he stated and looked to Roy, he nodded and looked around ''Yeah, that's suspicious.'' he turned seeing Dean walk by and opened the door getting out Evin opened it and watched as Lewis pushed Theo forward as he only held a hatchet. Evin started walking with Lewis seeing Dean and Liam slow down so they walked behind the group, Emily walked a bit faster being near Roy ''Why'd you bring him?'' Evin asked looking to Lewis ''To keep an eye on him, no offence to Shawn but I don't exactly trust him with watching people.'' Evin looked to him and shrugged ''I don't trust him in general.'' he stated and looked at the tall building to their right, pausing a bit, they all then turned looking back the way they came hearing another explosion ''Was that at the zone?'' Roy asked, Evin turned and listened for a moment.

''Yes.'' Dean stated and brought his gun up hitting Lewis in the back of the head before Liam did the same to Charlie, Evin spun and crouched at the same time bringing his gun up, he was on one knee as he shot Dean and Liam in the head then brought the gun up aiming it to the sky before getting up and looked at the two as their blood seeped into the snow, they all then turned seeing people run out of the building beside them, Evin saw this was a trap and brought his walkie talkie up to his mouth pressing the button ''Ambush, it was an ambush!'' he yelled before they got closer and aimed their assult ritlfes at the group of runners. Roy raised his gun but then felt a gun to his back ''Drop it.'' the guy stated, Emily aimed her gun to him but saw more people come out, there were about twenty men who came out of both the burning building and what looked to be an office building.

Jonathan left the medical tent and looked down the street towards the other gate seeing people run around the corner being followed by the dead, he turned and ran to the side of the medical tent grabbing his ritfle ''Gather as many people as possiple and get them in cars and get them out of here.'' he stated seeing Heather, she nodded and ran back inside while Jonathan ran over and looked down the street seeing just how many zombie's were coming in, there was then another explosion at the other gate, he turned looking at the front gate and saw Monte climbing down the ladder and ran over ''There are still people in the houses.'' he stated, Monte dropped down ''Alex and the twins are at that daycare thing still.'' Monte stated looking down the street where the horde was coming from, Jonathan looked down that way shaking a bit, Monte grabbed his shoulder's ''I'll get them, it'll be ok, just stay here and get as much supplise and people in the cars.'' he stated and ran down the street bringing his ritlfe around.

Shawn ran into the back of the station and passed by Darrel in his cell ''Hey, what's going on out there.'' he asked seeing Shawn grabbing the shotguns off their racks ''Nothing it's fine.'' Shawn dismissed before walking out tossing a shotgun to Marc ''Watch him.'' Shawn stated to Victor leaving the station with Marc. Victor went over and looked out the windows looking down the street seeing the horde and moved to the back where Darrel was, he went down and grabbed a shotgun and Darrel looked to him ''What's happening?'' he asked, Victor slowed down and looked to him then looked to the door ''There's a horde in the zone, I... I don't know how but there is.'' he stated and left the back, Darrel pushed away from the bars turning around then looked back to the bars figuring he was safe in there and sat down on the cot.

Shawn and Marc ran down the street and looked around seeing a woman and two girls standing around, Shawn headed over to them and stood with them ''Hey, you shouldn't be just walking around right now.'' he stated seeing the situastion ''We were going to the station.'' Tabitha stated looking to him, Shawn looked over seeing Carson get to him with Timothy and Amber ''We need to get out of here, there's dead everywhere over there.'' he stated and looked back having his bag on his back ''We can go through the front, there aren't any over there.'' Shawn stated and looked over seeing Jonathan and Tanner loading thing's into a car, Carson turned looking down the street seeing more of the dead walking towards them and nodded pushing Tim and Amber in front of him while they headed for the front gate.

Mia looked out the large window seeing the horde of the undead walking through the street, she turned to the three teen's with her ''We're going to be quiet, alright?'' she signed for Aiden, Connor and Emma got up with Aiden and headed away from the window, Mia shut the light's off before running back towards them into the kitchen ''Ok, we're going to use the backways and the feild behind this house to get to the front of the zone, where the gate is.'' she stated signing for Aiden ''How, it looked like there were fifty just outside.'' Emma stated looking to her ''Trust me, if we are quiet they won't cut us off, we need to get out of the zone before we're trapped here.'' Mia explained still signing and went over picking up her backpack looking inside seeing it was empty and turned opening the cupboards ''Help me find things.'' she stated signing and turned again, Connor went towards the stairs heading up while Emma stepped out and moved down the hall while Aiden went into the dinning roo

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