Chapter fifty eight: The Stranded

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Monte gasped in and sat up opening his eye's and looked over to where the kids were hearing crying, he saw two walkers walking over to them and got up grabbing his hatchet and ran over, he grabbed the one that was closer to them and ripped it back, it's back hit the ground and he turned pressing his left knee to it's chest before bringing the hatchet down to it's head then pulled it out going to the second one. He moved the hatchet across him cutting it's face open killing it, he then ran over to the door reaching out and shut it before grabbing the chair that was supposed to be infront of them and turned running back to them, he tossed the hatchet to the side and fell to his knee's looking to Elizabeth and Ben who were trying ''Sh, sh, it's okay.'' he stated and looked over seeing Alex hidding under the benches, he picked Ben up and moved back bringing his leg's out from under him and crossed his leg's holding him ''Sh, please.'' he lightly rubbed Ben's chest before laying him in his lap and reached for Elizabeth doing the same for her.

Monte looked over to Alex ''Hey, it's ok, you can come out now.'' he said with a calm tone, Alex crawled out and sat down looking to Monte, tears streaming down his face, he looked to the benches he was hiding under and saw Jennifer was gone, he looked around seeing Hugo was also gone. He brought his attention back to the babies getting them to calm down before moving Benjamin back in the small drawer that was lined in a soft blanket. He got up and looked to the benches seeing everything of her's was gone, her backpack, he turned and looked around seeing a note on the small screen of the radio, he headed over and grabbed it and placed it down next to the lanturn to read it 'Fun traveling with you, until I was regected, could've been our little secret but I see I was very wrong, don't worry, you won't need to see me any longer, by the time you wake up me and my son will be long gone. I wish you luck.' Monte stepped back leaning down ''Fuck.'' he hit the counter and pushed away turning around bringing his left hand up to his mouth while his right hand rested on his hip.

''Daddy?'' Monte looked over hearing Alex seeing him standing past the walkers, Monte walked over fast and crouched infront of him ''What is it xióng?'' he asked bringing his hands up holding Alex's shoulders ''Where's Jen?'' he asked and looked around, Monte moved his hands up to Alexander's face whipping the tears from his cheeks ''Um... She left.'' he stated and lowered his hands back to Alex's shoulders, Monte could see Alex's expression change ''Did I do something?'' Monte's mouth parted and he smiled softly ''No, why would you think that?'' he asked curious, Alex hung his head and shrugged, Monte pulled Alex close to him hugging him ''Hey.'' he pulled away and thought about how he would be able to go on runs while leaving them here, knowing he couldn't take them with him, he sighed and looked to the side at the twins ''I'm hungry.'' Monte looked at him and smiled breathing out before nodded ''Yeah, I am too.'' he stated and stood up walking Alex back to the twins and sat him down he looked at him.

He stood up and crossed his arm's over his chest ''Ok, no matter what, if you hear people outside you pull your brother and sister under the benches and hide, don't make any noise alright?'' Alex looked up at him, his brows scrunching a bit ''You're leaving?'' Monte crouched and looked to him ''I will come back, I promise.'' Monte stated and leaned forward kissing Alex's forhead and turned grabbing his bag before getting his bike gloves on and went over grabbing his hatchet hosltering it before grabbing the arm's of one of the walkers and dragged it to the front door, after doing that he did the same with the second one, he took the chair off and watched as the door moved open telling him how they got inside, he turned and pulled the bodies outside before tossing them over the railing, he looked around seeing it was still drizzling outside and headed back in holding the door before placing the chair where it was and turned looking around thinking of a different way in and out.

He saw Alex lay his head down in his small bed and went to the radio to see if they had anything on the new trespasser in the city, if they weren't saying anything he was going to one of the camps he saw. He moved through the different stations but there was nothing but static, he turned it off and set the headset down before turning and going past all the games before opening a door into the backroom, he shut it behind him and looked around seeing it was where they kept different wires and thing's to fix the games outside, he looked around and saw a small window that was broken, hearing the rain outside, he went over hopping onto the metal table before looking around, he peeked out seeing a dumpster under the window and grabbed the edges getting himself up and through the window. He landed on the dumpster slipping a bit from the rain and turned looking around seeing the street and the building's surrounding them, he hopped off the dumpster and went to the side pushing it away from the window to make it less obvious that there were people staying there. Once he was done he looked around before bringing his hands up tieing his hair back with an eleastic band and brought his ritfle forward lightly jogging towards the street.

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