Chapter forty three: The Begining

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Lewis held the door open for Emma letting her walk through then having the hold it open for someone else, Emma smiled and looked up to the muesum sign ''Hey, we aren't going back inside, it's getting to expencisve.'' Lewis stated seeing her looking at it again, Emma smiled and looked to him before grabbing his hand ''I know, just looking.'' Lewis looked around seeing the cafe down the street ''Hungry?'' he asked and looked to her, Emma looked around then to him ''We going to the same cafe?'' Lewis stared down to her ''What's wrong with the cafe, they sever good lunches.'' Emma smiled ''For old people.'' Lewis shook his head and sighed looking back the other way seeing a car coming down the street, speeding. Emma started walking towards it ''Fine, maybe the menu changed.'' Lewis saw the car swerving before hitting a sign popping it's tire, he ran back and grabbed a little kid moving him out of the way before the car hit him. It passed by them and crashed into a small store beside the muesum, Emma turned around hearing screams and the crash and lowered her phone seeing what happened, the guy got out of the car coughing before falling to the ground, Emma could see the passenger still in the car, knocked unconcious.

People ran over while Emma just stood there, she shook her head and looked past the car seeing Lewis standing with an older man and a child ''Lewis.'' she called but turned hearing someone yell, she looked across the street seeing a police officer standing by his car, she could tell he was trying to get a guy to back off of him, before pulling his gun out and shooting them, Emma's eye's widened as she dropped her phone, people in the area started running. Emma looked further down the street on her side as people ran around the corner and a car drove by speeding right into the cafe. Emma stepped back kicking her phone a bit then jumped as Lewis grabbed her arm ''Come on.'' he stated and pulled her back towards the museum, they turned about to go inside but Lewis could see people getting attacked inside, he pulled Emma past the museum running with the crowd, Emma looked back seeing people were everywhere. Lewis tried moving through the horde of people with Emma but lost grip of her ''Lewis!'' she yelled as Lewis's arm was ripped from him ''Em!'' he yelled and looked over the people as they pushed him to the side, he got to the side walk and looked back into the crowd ''Emma!'' he yelled again.

Emma pushed against the people moving her forward before she was pushed over, she landed on her back and curled into a ball as people trampled over her ''Lewis!'' she yelled, as people kicked and tripped over her, then someone shot a gun into the air getting people to spread, sending them running away. Then someone grabbed Emma's arm pulling her to her feet and moving her through the crowd. Emma caught a glimps of the person, and older woman, she stopped Emma and looked to her ''You ok sweety?'' she asked looking at her, Emma nodded and held her rips, the woman looked around then to her ''Don't you know not to let people push you down?'' she stated, Emma looked at her ''I tripped.'' she argued and tunred looking over at the crowd ''Come with me.'' the woman stated, Emma turned to her as the woman took her arm ''No, my uncles in there somewhere.'' she stated and tunred looking to the crowd again ''Well, he obviously ins't looking out for you, letting you get trampled like that.'' Emma turned back to her ''Fuck you.'' she muttered and pulled her arm away walking back the way they came.

The woman stared at her before turning and walking away, Emma held her chest before falling to a brick wall, she felt her vision getting a bit blurred before she fell forward hitting the ground. Lewis went over and grabbed the top of a bus stop and pulled himself up before looking over the crowd to the other side of the street and scanned the area before seeing a woman walking over to someone laying on the ground, he saw her struggling to pick her up before a man ran over with two other's Emma's age and helped her pick up the girl, he leaned forward a bit seeing it was Emma then climbed down he forced himself through the horde and got to the other side of the street as the crowd was dispersing more. He stopped them and saw her on one of the younger mans back ''Emma?'' he moved over and looked at her face ''Thank you.'' he stated and took her ''Wait a minunte, how do we know you actually know her?'' the older man asked, Lewis looked at him ''I'm her uncle, I lost her in the crowd.'' he stated and looked down to her in his arms ''Follow me.'' the older woman stated and turned, one of the younger men turned hearing something and the others turned as well, Lewis saw the thing, it looked like a person but, it had a large area in it's left arm that was gone.

One of the boy's looked to the other ''Zombies.'' they said in sync before looking around, they turned and looked at Lewis ''Let me guess, you guy's are into video games?'' they nodded and the three followed the older two, Lewis moved Emma so she was on his shoulder as they stayed off the street, the woman got to the library that was on this street and opened the door letting them inside before shutting the door behind them, the two younger guy's looked around before walking over and grabbed a couch moving it infront of the door, Lewis moved Emma over to a long table letting the older guy move the computers and book's resting on it, Lewis lowered her onto the table and looked at her before looking the older woman ''She probably has broken ribs.'' she stated and looked at Lewis, he looked at her confused ''She was laying in the road, being trampled.'' she explained and turned looking around before going to a shelf, Lewis looked down to her and moved her shirt up seeing the brusing ''Shit.'' he placed his hands on the table beside her while the woman came back holding book's and handed them to Lewis ''Medical books.'' she stated, Lewis looked at her ''Thank you.'' he stated taking them and placed them beside Emma ''I'm Mellisa.'' Lewis looked at her, he smiled and intruduced himself to her.

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