Chapter eleven: The Dreams

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Evin sat in the living room sipping his hot chocolate he made and saw Carson enter the room from the side ''Their both sleeping still.'' he stated and went over sitting on the couch across from Evin looking at him as he set the cup down, Carson stared at him ''What happens to them if we don't come back?'' Evin looked at him ''Carson, we'll come back, the run tomorrow can be more planned out.'' Carson leaned forward ''I know, but... There are to many possiblilties.'' Evin looked at him and nodded ''I've thought about those, we need the stuff that could be in there, the suitcases, stuff for the teenage girls and woman in the camp... There could be weapons in the security room, medical stuff that's in the emergency area.'' Evin explained his reasons for wanting to go ''I hate that it's in a place that has over a hundred zombies but it's either this place, or another that has the same number of zombies.'' Evin explained further, Carson looked to the side thinking about it, they then looked to the stairs hearing a scream and got up running over. They went up and Timothy ran into Evin as he got to the top of the stairs, Timothy wrapped his arm's around Evin's leg's shaking.

Evin moved him back a bit before crouching and looked to him ''What's wrong?'' he asked seeing tears running down his cheeks, Tim shook his head and hung it, Evin pulled him close hugging him and looked up to Carson seeing he could see something was wrong as well. Evin got up and held Timothy's hand pulling him back to his room as Connor came out looking around ''It's alright.'' Carson stated and Connor sighed going back into his room, he shut the door and headed to the dresser in his room. Carson peeked into the room while Evin sat with Timothy on the bed ''What happened?'' he asked looking to him, Timothy whipped his eye's ''Nightmare.'' he got out sniffling, Evin rubbed his back ''Was it the same nightmare?'' Carson looked to Evin as Timothy nodded, Evin looked over to Carson ''I got it, it's alright.'' Carson nodded and stepped out shutting the door behind him, he leaned on the wall beside the door and thought about what he could've meant.

Evin turned to Timothy ''Do you finally wanna talk about it?'' Evin asked looking at him, Timothy held his leg's close to his body, Timothy has had this dream once a week since Novemeber ''No.'' Evin nodded and thought of a way for Tim to talk to him. Evin sighed and brought his leg's up on the bed crossing them as he faced Timothy ''I have nightmares to.'' Timothy looked at him ''Really?'' Evin nodded ''I'll tell you about mine if you tell me yours?'' Evin asked planning to make a deal, Timothy looked at him before looking forward thinking, he then nodded before moving to face Evin crossing his leg's as well, Evin sat up a bit wanting to help him ''It's about my dad... And my sister.'' he stated and looked to the side ''They were at the camp, where Jon and Monte found us.'' Tim stated and hung his head, his eye's moving around looking at the characters on his blanket, Evin could tell this story would be sad, he reached forward holding Timothy's hands ''The dream starts.... With me and Amber, running around with my sister and two other kids there... We had been running around since arriving at the camp.'' Timothy smiled a bit telling Evin that this is what actually happened.

Carson sighed and hung his head pushing off the wall while Connor left his bedroom and walked down the hall before heading down the stairs, Carson followed him down the stairs ''When are you guy's doing that run to the airport?'' Connor asked getting his shoes on, Carson reached the bottom and leaned on the wall looking over to Connor ''Tomorrow morning.'' Connor stopped and looked to him standing up letting his eye's move to the side as he thought ''So, will we be able to say goodbye?'' Carson smiled and walked over ''There's no need becasue we'll be coming back, but I'll wake you both up so that you can.'' Carson reasurred, Connor smiled and hugged Carson, Carson froze a bit before hugging back within a couple of seconds, Connor pulled away before turning and leaving the house as snow fell lightly to the ground. Carson shut the door behind him before turning and looked up the stairs seeing Evin was still talking to Tim, he sighed and went down the hall into the kitchen.

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