Chapter fifty three: The Hard Choices

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Tanner sped down the road getting onto a large blue bridge while Jonathan ducked back into the car as the people in the truck chasing after them shot back ''We need to lose these guys.'' Jon stated reloading his ritfle, Tanner looked in the rear view mirror seeing them aiming at them and looked back to the road seeing cars and drove around them right as they shot at them, Jon looked out the rearview on his side hearing it while Aivana was trying to calm Ivan down in the seat behind them ''What are they doing?'' he quesioned seeing them slow down before someone hung out of the side of the car, Jon's eye's widened ''Shit.'' he turned back as they pulled the trigger, Jon reached over pulled the steering wheel towards him trying to get the car out of the way but the bullet hit the tire just as he suspected, Tanner lost control and the car turned to the left fast crashing into the railing, breaking it but didn't go over, the railing stopped the tire on Tanner's side turning the car to Jon's side getting them stuck ''Fuck.'' Jon looked down seeing the water ''Get out.'' he stated, Aviana got Ivan out of the carseat while Tanner unbuckled only to get snipped, Jon watched as Tanner fell forward onto the steering wheel hitting the horn ''Shit.'' LJ muttered, Jon reached down unbuckling then stopped feeling the car move.

''Wait, stop moving.'' he stated putting his hand up shaking a bit the other being able to see him shaking ''If we make any sudden movements we'll fall.'' he stated, Aviana ducked as they shot out her window, Ivan cried in her arms and Jon looked back as the car moved forward ''Jon, what's the move here?'' LJ asked, Jonathan thought about who were in the car ''Vivian and Ivan need to get out.'' he stated and looked down at the water ''What?'' Vivian asked, he shut his eye's panting ''If we hit the water at this... H-height, it'll kill both Ivan and the unborn baby.'' he stated and opened his eye's shutting his mouth bringing his hand back ''LJ turned feeling the car move and looked to Vivian ''Climb out the back.'' he stated, Aviana shushed Ivan moving her hand over his forehead, Frank tried getting up feeling the car move more and stopped ''Careful.'' he stated and looked to the far window then to Tanner laying on the horn ''Jon, he's gonna become dehydrated if he keep's trying like this.'' LJ stated his concern for Ivan, Vivian held her stomach that had a bit of a bump, Frank turned and reached over feeling the car move even more, Vivian breathed out feeling her heart race.

Jon reached over grabbing Tanner's dead body hating the fact they couldn't get out of this situation, he pushed Tanner getting him off the horn but his body hit the side between the steeting wheel while Vivian climbed over the seat, the car slid more and Jon covered his ears hearing the metal screech against the railing. The car stopped moving and Jon thought about the impact and reached behind him hearing the truck open a bit knowing that meant Vivian was getting out, Aviana got Ivan wrapped in a blanket and went to hand him to Frank but the car moved more, Vivian looked back and ran over but watched as the car went over. As the car got closer Jon brought his leg's up and blocked his face as taking a breathe in before they hit the water. The front window shattered on impact causing water to rush inside Jon moved his arm's seeing shard's floating in the water, he unbuckled and turned seeing Ivan float away from Frank seeing he was unconcious, he saw blood coming from Aviana's head and saw LJ blink his eye's open and look to Jon, he moving from his seat and pulled himself up before lifting Avianan up and opened the door seeing it had to be held open.

LJ reached over pulling Ivan close to him seeing the blood following him and looked to Jon seeing him push Aivana out and looked to him then looked Ivan, LJ let go of Ivan before reaching for Frank knowing they had to leave the car, Jon moved out and pulled the door up kicking his leg's lightly while LJ pushed Frank out before turning and grabbing Ivan's body swiming out of the car, Jon let go seeing the car hit the bottom of the lake and swam up grabbing Aviana under her arm's and swam her the rest of the way, he gasped for air before coughing and looked around feeling his heart racing for many reasons, LJ gasped getting to ther surface and brought Frank above water moving him onto his back before looking to Ivan still under the water in his arm. Jon looked back to him holding Aviana bridal style keeping her above water by kicking his leg's ''LJ.'' he looked to Jon and couldn't tell if his face was just wet from being in the water or if he was crying, LJ looked to Ivan before letting Frank float and reached over covering Ivan more with the blanket and saw Jon go on his back kicking to get to the shore.

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