Chapter thirty nine: The Adoption

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''Carson Kript?'' sat in the empty waiting room, he sat up being in his black dress shirt and black jeans, he leaned forward a bit holding his hands together infront of his stomach, he looked around before lowering his head again, he looked over hearing the door open, the woman looked around before looking to him ''Carson?'' he nodded and got up moving his palms down on his thighs and walked over entering her office letting her shut the door behind him, they went over and sat down on either side of the desk, she smiled at him with sympathy ''I'm sorry for your loss.'' Carson nodded, having heard that more times today then ever in his life, she looked down and opened the will that was infront of her ''She left a couple of things in your name.'' she stated and looked to him, Carson looked at her a bit confused ''I... I didn't think she had much?'' he stated, and held his hands infront of him again, she smiled and looked down ''I mean, much she'd give to me.'' he added hearing how that sounded and looked to the side thinking about the funneral he came from moments ago.

The woman nodded looking to him ''If you don't want any of the thing's she listed we either donate them or put them up for sale.'' she stated and looked down at the will, Carson looked at it seeing it was a small list of things ''She has left the cabin outside of Vernon BC, all of her video games, the consoles for those games, her flatscreen tv and... Neptune.'' she stated and looked to Carson who raised his eye brows a bit in confused, he smiled a bit and hung his head smiling ''She left me a planet?'' he asked and looked to her, the woman smiled ''Neptune is her boykin spaniel.'' she explained, Carson stared at her still confused ''What is that?'' he asked, she smiled a more ''Neptune is her dog.'' Carson's mouth opened a bit then he bit his bottom lip turning his head to the side a bit thinking about it ''Dog?'' he asked turning back to her, she nodded losing a bit of the smile ''Again, if you don't want the dog, she will probably go to a shelter.'' Carson though of that as she looked down flipping through the will. He leaned back thinking about his options. He bit his tongue ''Where is she?'' he asked looking to her, the woman looked back at him ''She's with your sister's friend, Tara.'' Carson nodded and got up ''Is that all?'' he asked, the woman nodded ''I just need you to sign in one of these spot's, this one say's you'll take all of it and this one say's you'll take some, if you take some you'll have to write the one's you don't take.'' she explained and handed him a pen.

Carson clicked it before signing the one that meant he took everything, he passed her the pen and moved the will back to her ''Thank you, and Carson.'' he paused stopping infront of the door to leave the office ''You have twenty four hours to change your mind.'' he turned looking back to her then nodded and turned leaving the office. He walked to the front doors of the building and left heading for his car, he got inside and started it up before calling Tara and started driving putting it on speaker. The phone rang two times before she asnwered *Hello?* she asked, Carson looked around before turning ''Hey, is Neptune with you?'' he asked and tightened the grip on his steering wheel *Um, yes, why?* Carson sighed out a bit ''I'm coming to pick her up.'' he explained thinking about the other thing's his sister left for him in the will *Really? I thought you weren't a dog person?* she questioned remembering his words. 

Carson thought about that as a slight smile came on his lip's ''I'm not.... Their needy and whiney and it's like taking care of a child.'' he stated and slowed to a stop at a red light *Then why are you coming to pick her up?* she asked confused by his reasoning, Carson zoned out staring straight ahead of him his hand slightly shaking, *Carson?* he snapped out of it hearing the horns honking around him and started driving forward ''Just... Have her ready with food and... Stuff.'' he stated and reached over hanging up the phone before focusing on the road. 

Carson parked the car outside the house and sighed thinking about the dection he was making, he then got out of the car and walked around heading to the step's going up to the house, he stopped infront of the door and knocked putting his hands in his jean pockets, Tara opened the door and looked at him, she was still wearing her dark red dress from the funneral ''Hey.'' Carson nodded and looked past her seeing the dog, she had dark brown fur and a purple colar around her neck ''Is that her?'' Tara turned seeing Neptune laying there ''Uh, yeah.'' she stated and looked at him, Carson stared at her ''Is she ok?'' Tara turned and looked over at the dog bringing her arms up crossing them over her chest ''Ever since I picked her up from Alice's place she's just been laying there.'' Carson looked to her ''What do you mean?'' Tara turned looking to him ''I picked her up, brought her here, and she hasn't gotten up to eat, drink... She's just been there.'' Carson looked over before walking inside and moved over sitting on the small step looking to Neptune seeing her just staring forward and saw Neptune looking right at a picture on a shelf and thought before looking to the dog again.

He got up and looked to Tara who picked up a backpack handing it to Carson, he took it and took the leash from her before reaching over clipping the hook on the colar getting Neptune to stand and saw her not really looking around, he looked to Tara before leaving with her. They went to the car while Tara shut the door, Carson opened the back door letting Neptune get in, he watched as she laid down as soon as she was inside, and set the bag down looking at her, he sighed and climbed into the back shutting the door behind him and looked to Neptune, he reached over touching her back, feeling her soft brown fur ''I miss her too.'' he stated looking at her, he smiled a bit and turned his head looking down, he bit his tongue his eye's watering a bit ''In all honesty I forgot she had you.'' he stated and took his hand back looking down at his hands as a tear fell ''When.... When I heard your name... It didn't hit me that she named you after her planet.'' he stated and raised his hand whipping the tears from his eye's pushing away from the seat and looked forward before leaning back hitting the seat. Neptune then laid her head on Carson's lap making him move his hand and look to her before laying his hand on her head moving his thumb slowly. 

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